700多年的古蓮“復活”啦 A seed over 700 years old grows into a plant

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-05-12 14:16:06
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700多年的古蓮“復活”啦 A seed over 700 years old grows into a plant

A seed over 700 years old is planted and grows into a robust lotus plant.


700多年的古蓮“復活”啦 A seed over 700 years old grows into a plant

A lotus seed found at an archaeological site dating back to the Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) was moved from a laboratory into the open air in Hangzhou city. The ancient seed and its growth has received a great deal of attention from curious citizens.


詞彙 Words:

[zhǒng zi] 種子 seed
[zhòng zhí] 種植 plant
[shēng zhǎng] 生長 grow
[zhí wù] 植物 plant
[lián huā] 蓮花 lotus

重點詞彙 Key Word:

種 [zhǒng,zhòng]

  • 種 [zhòng] <動詞 v.> grow; plant; sow
    E.g. zhòng guā dé guā,zhòng dòu dé dòu
    Reap as one grows.

種 [zhǒng] 

  • <名詞 n.> (of plant) seed;strain
    E.g. Zhǒng zi fā yá le。
    The seeds are sprouting.

  • <名詞 n.> branch; type; divsion
    E.g. Wǒ bù shì nà zhǒng rén。
    I'm not that feather.

  •  <量詞 measure word> class; type; kind
    E.g. Wǒ mǎi le jǐ gè chàng xiāo pǐn pái zhōng de yī zhǒng。
    I bought one of the leading brands.

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