法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

Qin Mengyao China Plus Published: 2017-08-18 13:11:54
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法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

No! In order to celebrate(慶祝) Ferrari’s 70th anniversary(週年) on Tuesday, Ferrari as well Ferrari owners drove in a luxury(豪華的) motorcade(車隊) together to Jiayuguan(嘉峪關) in northwest China’s Gansu Province. The motorcade included 50 different top-level cars including the Ferrari 812 Superfast and the Ferrari GTC4LussoT. Over 80 super fans started from Xining(西寧) city and drove more than 1,700 kilometers to arrive at Jiayuguan. Camels(駱駝) became the super models, photographed(拍照) with the Ferrari cars.

其實不然!週二,為了慶祝法拉利誕生70週年,法拉利公司及法拉利車主組成一支豪華車隊,聚集在中國西北部的甘肅省嘉峪關。整支車隊由50輛不同的頂級豪車組成,包括法拉利812 Superfast和法拉利 GTC4LussoT。超過80名來自西寧的狂熱粉絲駕車1700公里抵達嘉峪關。駱駝成為了這次活動的超模,和法拉利汽車一起合影。

法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

法拉利和駱駝上演“速度與激情”?Ferrari and camels play "The Fast and The Furious?"

詞彙 Words:

[rè liè Xīng fèn de] 熱烈興奮的 furious

[qìng zhù] 慶祝 celebrate

[zhōu nián] 週年 anniversary

[háo huá de] 豪華的 luxury

[chē duì] 車隊 motorcade

[luò tuó] 駱駝 camel

[pāi zhào] 拍照 photograph


  • <動詞 v.> organize; form

    E.g. Tā men zǔ chéng le yī gè yīng yǔ chū jí bān。


    They formed a group for beginners in English.

  • <名詞 n.> group; team; crew; set; panel

    E.g. Zhè ge wèn tí zài xiǎo zǔ fàn wéi nèi jìn xíng le yùn niàng。


    This question was discussed within the confines of the group.

  • <名詞 n.> series; suite; cycle

    E.g. Zǔ qǔ de zuì hòu hé yīn bù fen jiàn rù gāo cháo。


    The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.

  • <量詞 words of measurement> set; series; battery

    E.g. Jié wěi chù de nà yī zǔ jué miào de cǎi sè jìng tóu。


    That marvellous series of shots in colour towards the end. 

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