Congratulations 祝賀(2)

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-08-14 14:45:29
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Cam: Okay, so I have a few friends who just got married.  How would I congratulate them on their weddings?
YJ: There are lots of choices. One of the great options is “祝你們白頭到老。”, which literally means wish you live together to a ripe old age.  
Cam: zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3.
YJ: 祝 zhu4 means wish,
CM: zhu4.
YJ: 你們 ni3men means you,
CM: ni3men,
YJ: 白頭 bai2tou2, literally means grey hairs,
CM: bai2 tou2.
YJ: 到老 dao4 lao3, to a ripe old age,
CM: dao4 lao3.
YJ: 祝你們白頭到老 zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3.
CM: zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3. Wish you live together to a ripe old age.


A: 祝你們白頭到老,永結同心。
B: 謝謝。

Cam: And Yajie, after they’ve been married for a while, I can then offer them congratulations on their anniversary!
YJ: Right. You can say 結婚紀念日快樂.
CM: jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4.
YJ: 結婚 jie2 hun1 means marriage,
CM: jie2 hun1.
YJ: 紀念日 ji4nian4ri4, anniversary,  
CM: ji4nian4ri4
YJ: 快樂 kuai4 le4 means happy,
CM: kuai4 le4.
YJ: 結婚紀念日快樂. jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4.
CM: jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4. Happy Anniversary! 


A: 結婚紀念日快樂!
B: 非常感謝!

Cam: And what about Happy Birthday?
YJ: it’s 生日快樂!
CM: sheng1ri4 kuai4le4!
YJ: sheng1 ri4 birthday,
CM: sheng1 ri4.
YJ: kuai4 le4 means happy,
CM: kuia4 le4.
YJ: sheng1ri4 kuai4le4!
CM: sheng1ri4 kuai4le4! Happy Birthday!


A: 生日快樂!

CM: My friend is going to study in France, what kind of good words I should say to him?
YJ: you can say zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.
CM: 祝你好運。zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.
YJ: zhu4 ni3 means wish you,
CM: 祝你 zhu4 ni3.
YJ: hao3 yun4, good luck,
CM: 好運 hao3 yun4,
YJ: 祝你好運 zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4. CM: zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.  Wish you good luck. 


A: 我就要去法國讀書了。
B: 是嗎?祝你好運。


Key words Reminder
Wish you live together to a ripe old age.祝你們白頭到老。Happy anniversary! 結婚紀念日快樂。 Happy birthday! 生日快樂! Good luck to you! 祝你好運! All in today’s Chinese studio.


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