终于拿到Linkin Park “Meteora20周年”珍藏版!5张黑胶,4张CD,3张DVD,还有一本40页的书以及其他周边!开心到飞起!来酷乐唱片找安哥取货,还淘到一张爵士女伶Ella Fitzgerald双唱片黑胶!意外的收获总是让人特别乐呵~ 寻觅黑胶的朋友可以直接来店里找安哥,20多年的交情,哥特别靠谱儿!朋友们Have ​​​​...展开全文c
Today’s Motivational Monday: “I am what I am, a firelight of a different color.”想念哥哥…我正在听Round Table China的《How to make sure your package finds its way home?》,分享给你听听~O网页链接(via @小宇宙播客App) ​​​​
Happy International Bird day[挤眼]
#国际爱鸟日# 猛禽也需要关爱!】你了解猛禽吗?你知道很多城市里为什么会有猛禽救助中心吗?来听《#RoundTable圆桌议事#》和国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)全球项目管理高级副总裁Jimmiel Mandima的讨论,寻找答案:O网页链接 What do you know about raptors – birds of prey? Ever wondere ​​​​...展开全文c
My Happy Place this week: an excellent new documentary “The Greatest Night in Pop - the untold story of ‘We are the World’”! What a treat for MJ fans! Do you still believe in the role of artists and good will in shaping social consciousness and fostering unity in an increasin ​​​​...展开全文c
【都在歌里!CGTN Radio送元宵祝福啦】当#元宵节# 遇上AI技术,会带来怎样的惊喜呢?CGTN Radio打造了一首由AI创作歌词、谱曲并演唱的歌曲,视频中的画面也由AI绘制。快戳视频,和我们一起过一个科技感十足的元宵佳节吧~When the Lantern Festival meets AI technology, what surprises will it bring ​​​​...展开全文c
赫扬给您拜年啦!祝您在龙年如蛟龙得水,事业腾飞!生龙活虎,事事顺意!May you achieve greatness, like a dragon soaring through the oceans!🐲🐲🐲
【CGTN Radio来接力拜年啦!】#龙年春节#,祝福送不停!快戳视频,接收CGTN Radio主播们的龙年祝福吧~ #2024龙年春节# As the Spring Festival unfolds, a continuous stream of blessings is on its way! Click on the video to receive Chinese New Year wishes from our hosts! #大年初一# #拜年# ​​​​...展开全文c
看CGTN春晚!CGTN Super Night超级夜!咱们不见不散!See you tonight! #cgtn超级夜看春晚# 2北京·中央电视台总部大楼 ​​​​
天了噜!怎么还有元宇宙版!Metaverse activated! #新春龙舞挑战晒#LoongYearLoongDance #2024龙年春节# #龙年春晚# #CGTN超级夜看春晚# #CGTN超级夜#
#新春龙舞挑战晒#【元宇宙时空龙舞挑战来袭✨ 】AI技术带你穿越至平行时空,《#RoundTable圆桌议事#》主持人赫扬已准备好与你一同在元宇宙空间中展开龙舞挑战!让我们一起跟随赫扬的节奏,在虚拟世界中尽情舞动,感受龙年的喜庆氛围!Embark on a journey through the metaverse with Round Table host ​​​​...展开全文c
#新春龙舞挑战晒#【龙年龙舞跳起来!】《#RoundTable圆桌议事#@主持人赫扬 邀你一起参加龙舞挑战!动动手动动脚请做深呼吸,跟赫扬蹦蹦跳跳龙年就大吉!Round Table host Heyang invites you to join the Loong Year Loong Dance challenge! Embrace the festive spirit and dance to the rhythm of ​​​​...展开全文c
My honest opinion on “繁花”. 我正在听Round Table China的《‘Blossoms Shanghai’ and the rise of Chinese TV dramas》,分享给你听听~O网页链接(via @小宇宙播客App) ​​​​
“Chances are someone is thinking something nice about you right now!” Thoughts this morning from a busy Beijing subway train. Happy Friday, everybody! ​​​​
Chengdu is a fabulous and super “livable” city! Folks go there to slow down & unwind[可爱][可爱]According to this barista, 4000 coffee houses have closed doors in the last couple of years. Finding your own niche in an uncertain market is always important, but sometimes you just ​​​​...展开全文c
A-Mei is AMAZING! That we all know! But seeing her LIVE beats all expectations!Chengdu loves her! She brings the feels & makes us ugly cry 😭😭😭 What an emotional evening! #张惠妹成都演唱会# 2成都 L主持人赫扬的微博视频 ​​​​
Aaaaaaaah! Somebody gave me these ridiculously cute fluffy darlings this morning! I’m developing some serious “cute aggression” for these capybaras! 无法淡定啊[比耶][送花花][憧憬]感谢送我水豚的小天使[抱一抱][抱一抱][抱一抱] ​​​​
2024年“第一播儿”! Check out RT’s first live show in the new year! ​​​​
