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Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!

|ChinaNews|2022-07-07 10:35:30

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片1

         Time: July 4 - July 31, 2022

  • Content: All tourists can visit Baiyun Mountain for fee.


  • Shuttle buses are available with a transportation service fee at CNY 70/person;
  • Tourists driving vehicles (motorcycles included) may directly drive into the scenic area by paying CNY 70/person for a self-driving ticket, plus CNY 5/person for insurance and a parking fee at CNY 10. A maximum of 500 cars and 200 motorcycles are allowed in the scenic area per day;
  • Tourists from Xuchang can enjoy a free entrance and a half-price discount for cable car service with a valid document, such as ID card, working card, student card, etc. before July 15.

01 Drive along Baiyuan Road to Fairyland on Earth

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片2

Come to drive along Baiyun Road into a fairyland on earth! Baiyuan Road, with a full length of 18 kilometers and 318 turns winding along the mountain, offers breathtaking scenery and thrilling experience. The road leads directly to the 5A-level Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area.

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Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片3

02 Visit the Natural Heaven as Cool as 25℃ in Summer

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片2

Forest Oxygen Bar

Baiyun Mountain boasts a forest coverage of 98.5 percent, an average altitude of 1,800 meters, and a pleasing temperature blow 25 degree Celsius. The fresh air with 73,000 negative ions every cubic centimeter make the area the highest and largest natural “forest oxygen bar” in the Central Plains.

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片3

△ Photo by Li Yingjie

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Splendid Sea of Clouds

It’s the rainy season and the season of sea of clouds. As Baiyun Mountain enters the best period for appreciation of sea of clouds, one would see the ever-changing clouds together with the mountains, just like the painting scroll of “heaven on earth”.

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△ Photo by Ren Yu

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片6

△ Photo by Wu Yuanting

Feel the charm unique to Baiyuan Mountain when one is standing on the mountaintop and surrounded by vast sea of clouds and floating fog.

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Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片8

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片7

03 Explore the Source of Baihe River to Admire the Waterfalls

Deriving from Baihe River, the upstream water in Baiyun Mountain quietly flows into Baiyun Lake, which, like a huge mirror, reflects a grand landscape painting scroll.

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The downstream water flows spectacularly through Jiulong Grand Valley, presenting an overwhelming view with thunderous roars if one looks up at the foot of Jiulong Waterfall. 

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Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片13

Luoyang's Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Opens to Tourists for Free!_fororder_圖片11

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