ICCSD Releases the First Promotional Video
2021-04-28 ICCSD

The International Center for Creativity and Sustainable Development under the Auspices of UNESCO (Category 2) was approved at the 38th session of UNESCO General Assembly in November 2015. In 2017, the People's Government of Beijing Municipality signed the agreement with UNESCO. ICCSD becomes the world's first UNESCO Category 2 center with the theme of "creativity and sustainable development". With the support and guidance of UNESCO, the Center intends to build the world's high-level international platform that aims at creativity and sustainable development, and includes the functions of research, training, cooperation, communication, demonstration etc. The Center shall become a first-class think-tank gathering talents throughout the world, building a global renowned "laboratory of thoughts" with a focus on creativity and innovation. It shall promote cultural exchanges and cooperation, disseminate and support Chinese enterprises, technology and culture.
