ICCSD Newsletter Issue Six
2023-05-22   |   ICCSD


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December, 2021 Issue 6


1. ICCSD visited Professor Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office.

2. Which cities have joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network this year? How to apply to join the UCCN?

3. Mehri Madarshahi answered the question on how music can help advance SDGs.

4. ICCSD served as the guiding unit of "2021 Design Marathon".

5. Creativity 2030 Salons explored Cross-media Art and Digital Symbiosis.

6. ICCSD held an exhibition for entries of the  "China ECO Design Award 2021".

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ICCSD visits UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office

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ICCSD invited to participate in a special seminaron "Mass Communication of World Heritage"

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Cross-media Art and Digital Symbiosis

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Join Save the Earth Compaign to limitglobal warming to 1.5 ℃

Please click "Creativity 2030 Newsletter Issue 6.pdf" to view the full edition of the newsletter.

編輯: 崔麗君