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ICCSD Held the "Design Marathon" Works Exhibition
2023-05-22 ICCSD

On January 25, the 6th exhibition of the "Creativity for Sustainability" exhibition series was launched at ICCSD, featuring the winning entries of the "2021 Design Marathon".

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The "Design Marathon" is a large-scale international workshop initiated by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and one of the most important design events during Beijing International Design Week. It is also a large-scale design competition workshop jointly organized by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and several universities and colleges at home and abroad to encourage interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural design creation and actively explore new solutions for global sustainable well-being. The event in 2021 was directed by ICCSD.

The theme of the "2021 Design Marathon" is "Design for Sustainable Well-being". Sustainable development is not only a global goal issued by the United Nations, but also the essence of building a foundation for people to pursue a happy life and spiritual prosperity. Twenty one days of workshops were held in 76 universities in 11 countries, with a total of 300 participants, 45 mentors and 25 judges. On the event, 25 design solutions with commercial value were produced.

The exhibition showcased the winning entries of the "Design Marathon" competition and presented design examples on the theme of "Design and Sustainable Well-being" as well as ways and means to achieve sustainable development goals.

Works Exhibition

Gold Award Winning Work

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The future of wearable smart textiles: Smart textiles are increasingly integrated with the service ecosystem and the extended material properties are intangible. The development of wearable and smart textiles will be the key and integrated solution for the complex problems of the future digital life of mankind.

Sliver Award Winning Works

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Interpreting Semar as the representation of life, hope and future: Participants are encouraged to explore the physical and spiritual changes during this difficult time (self-quarantine, physical distance, working from home, etc.), to find the connection between Semar and indigenous myths and folklore, and to articulate it in the context of art and design for the balance and well-being in contemporary life .

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Movable community shopping system: The "Mobile Community Shopping System" is proposed. A community mobile store was formed to operate at a fixed time and area by redesigning the tricycle and connecting multiple modules, facilitating shopping for the elderly in community life and helping vendors be rich.

Bronze Award Winning Works

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The spirit of joy: Mastering the language of color and exploring the power of color on emotion and behavior, which will ultimately be beneficial to designers' resume of basic design skills.

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Non-relic "live" up wamao "companion" in the side: Through the in-depth study of paper-cutting, shadow and the twenty-four solar terms of three human non-relics, to finally output design works that can help the efficient dissemination of non-relic culture in the new media context .

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Space activation for well-being in Richmond Quarter: An attempt to create a vibrant and dynamic space for the community, owners, tenants, and guests in Richmond Quarter in a way that promotes sustainable lifestyles.

Mentor Comments and Testimonials

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"Creativity for Sustainable Development" Exhibition Series

As an open and inclusive international communication and exhibition platform, ICCSD initiated the "Creativity for Sustainable Development" series of exhibitions all year round.

The first exhibition, titled "Ethnic Group Weaving the Rainbow", showcases the design poverty alleviation projects of the Dulong people in Yunnan Province. The second and third exhibitions are about public welfare art education projects and the "2030 My Hometown" children's themed painting exhibition, jointly organized by ICCSD and Guixin Foundation, aims to draw the attention of the society to the art education of rural children through thematic discussions. The fourth phase of the exhibition, "White Horse and Flower Field Creation Society", focuse on rural revitalization strategy and cultural and creative industries. The fifth exhibition showcases the award-winning works of the China ECO DESIGN Sustainable Design Award, which showcases the cases of projects with the theme of "Community Creation" and the ways and means to achieve the goal of sustainable development in the private sector.

How to participate in the exhibition series

ICCSD updates the exhibition themes around the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a quarterly basis. We welcome submissions from the public, and the works should be a series of creative exhibits (finished products should be provided for display), and the content theme can be covered by the SDGs, we are willing to provide an international platform for your creativity.

Curation proposal submission email: lifang@unesco-iccsd.com
