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2020 Examples of Good Practice to Implement the Convention in the Digital Environment
2024-04-29 ICCSD

1. To recall, examples of good practices were presented as early as the twelfth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (hereinafter “the Committee”) in 2018 and were updated for the seventh session of the Conference of Parties in 2019 and again for the thirteenth session of the Committee in 2020 in order to illustrate the activities proposed in the Open Roadmap for the implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (hereinafter “the Convention”) in the digital environment.

2. The examples of good practice have been drawn from the information presented in the two editions of the Convention’s Global Report Re|Shaping Cultural Policies (2015 and 2018), the Policy Monitoring Platform (https://fr.unesco.org/creativity/policy-monitoringplatform), the Parties’ quadrennial periodic reports, the replies to the global survey on the 1980 Recommendation Concerning the Status of the Artist, and the replies to the consultation on the development of Parties’ national roadmaps carried out in autumn 2019 (see Document DCE/20/13.IGC/7).

3. The Secretariat will continue to collect examples of good practice to foster knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning. It will also monitor the implementation of all the Open Roadmap’s activities and provide an overview of Parties’ achievements in the development of their national roadmaps.

4. The list of examples of good practice in Annex is not exhaustive, but is intended to illustrate the types of activities proposed in the Open Roadmap with relevant and succinct examples. Parties are invited to continue to share their experiences with the Secretariat in order to enrich this list of examples. They are also invited to share their national roadmaps for the implementation of the operational guidelines to promote the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital environment.

2020 Examples of good practice to implement the Convention in the digital environment.pdf
