“迎龍年 過大節”第二屆湖北非遺産品優惠展銷季暨非遺嘉年華開幕式




為推動中華優秀傳統文化創造性轉化、創新性發展,推動非遺與旅遊深度融合發展,讓非遺保護成果惠及人民群眾,12月22日,由湖北省文旅廳主辦,湖北省群眾藝術館(湖北省非物質文化遺産保護中心)承辦的“迎龍年 過大節”第二屆湖北非遺産品優惠展銷季暨非遺嘉年華開幕式在武漢國際會展中心舉行。In order to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese outstanding traditional culture, enhance the deep integration and development of intangible cultural heritage and tourism, and benefit the people through the achievements of intangible cultural heritage protection, on December 22, sponsored by the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and organized by the Hubei Provincial Museum of Mass Art (Hubei Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Centre), “Embracing the Year of the Dragon” - Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Hubei Trade Fair and Carnival on Intangible Cultural Heritage Products will be held at the Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
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  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-12-21 16:04
    12月22日上午,“迎龍年 過大節”第二屆湖北非遺産品優惠展銷季暨非遺嘉年華開幕式將在武漢國際會展中心舉行。開幕式上,“非遺+旅遊”“非遺+互聯網”優秀案例將揭曉,還有精彩的非遺時裝秀表演。國際在線《直觀中國》欄目將對活動進行直播,敬請關注。  On the morning of 22 December, “Embracing the Year of the Dragon” - Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Hubei Trade Fair and Carnival on Intangible Cultural Heritage Products will be held at the Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Centre. At the opening ceremony, "Intangible Cultural Heritage + Tourism", "Intangible Cultural Heritage + Internet" excellent cases will be announced. There will also be a wonderful intangible cultural heritage fashion show during the performance. The CRI Online "Intuitive China" column will broadcast the event live, so stay tuned.