出席大會開幕式的領導和嘉賓有:湖北省政協主席、湖北省茶産業鏈鏈長孫偉,中華全國供銷合作總社黨組成員、理事會副主任陳祖新,中國茶葉流通協會會長、全國茶葉標準化技術委員會主任委員王慶,湖北省政協秘書長涂遠超,湖北省政協農業和農村委員會主任呂文艷,湖北省農業農村廳黨組書記、廳長,省委農辦主任蔣星華,湖北省供銷社黨組書記、主任曹松,咸寧市委書記孟祥偉,咸寧市委副書記、市長楊軍,赤壁市委書記董方平,赤壁市委副書記、市長葛軍。 Officials and guests attending the opening ceremony include: Sun Wei, Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chief of the Hubei Provincial Tea Industry Chain; Chen Zuxin, member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Board of Directors of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives; Wang Qing, President of the China Tea Marketing Association and Chairman of the National Tea Standardization Technical Committee; Tu Yuanchao, Secretary-General of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC; Lv Wenyan, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC; Jiang Xinghua, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hubei Province, Director of the Agricultural Office of CPC Hubei Provincial Committee; Cao Song, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of Hubei Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperative; Meng Xiangwei, Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee; Yang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Xianning Municipal People's Government; Dong Fangping, Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee; and Ge Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Chibi Municipal People's Government.