



11月18日,由中國茶葉流通協會、湖北省茶産業鏈工作專班、湖北省發展和改革委員會、湖北省農業農村廳、湖北省供銷合作總社、湖北省市場監督管理局、咸寧市人民政府聯合主辦的第十九屆中國茶業經濟年會、2023“一帶一路”赤壁青磚茶産業發展大會開幕式在湖北省咸寧市赤壁市舉行。On November 18, the opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference and the 2023 Belt and Road Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Industry Development Convention is held in Chibi, Xianning City, Hubei Province. It is co-hosted by the China Tea Marketing Association, Work Group of Hubei Provincial Tea Industry Chain[No official English version can be found. This is translated in accordance with general translation standards.], Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hubei Province, Hubei Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Hubei Administration for Market Regulation, and Xianning Municipal People's Government.
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  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:54
    第十九屆中國茶業經濟年會、2023“一帶一路”赤壁青磚茶産業發展大會開幕式到此圓滿結束。感謝觀看! The opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference and the 2023 Belt and Road Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Industry Development Convention concludes successfully. Thanks for watching!
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:52
    下面進入會旗交接儀式。第二十屆中國茶業經濟年會的舉辦地為浙江紹興新昌。第十九屆中國茶業經濟年會的承辦方代表——咸寧市人民政府副市長劉復興向第二十屆中國茶業經濟年會的承辦方代表——紹興市政協副主席王浩萍交接會旗。 Now it is the flag handover ceremony. The 20th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference will be held in Xinchang, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. The representative of the organizer of the 19th session, Liu Fuxing, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Xianning City is handing over the flag to the representative of the organizer of the 20th session, Wang Haoping, Vice Chairman of the Shaoxing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:43
    赤壁是中國青磚茶的發源地,赤壁羊樓洞是“萬里茶道”源頭之一,青磚茶經由“萬里茶道”,在世界茶業史上書寫了燦爛的一頁。中國茶葉流通協會授予赤壁市“青磚茶原産地”稱號。中共赤壁市委副書記、市人民政府市長葛軍接受“青磚茶原産地”牌匾。 Chibi is the birthplace of the Chinese Qingzhuan tea, and Yangloudong located in Chibi is one of the starting points of the "Tea Road". Qingzhuan tea transported along the "Tea Road" has written a brilliant chapter in the history of the world's tea industry. Therefore, the China Tea Marketing Association awards Chibi City the title of "Origin of Qingzhuan Tea". Ge Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Chibi Municipal People's Government, accepts the "Origin of Qingzhuan Tea" plaque.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:41
    為傳承歷史技藝,弘揚非遺精神,現場向社會發佈行業典範人物,併為十二位“國茶人物·制茶大師”頒發證書。 To inherit time-honored skills and promote the spirit of intangible cultural heritage, industry model figures are announced to the public at the event, and certificates are issued to twelve "National Tea Figures - Tea Masters".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:36
    重點茶企代表——中國茶葉股份有限公司副總經理趙平原發表感言。 Zhao Pingyuan, Deputy General Manager of China Tea Co., Ltd., a representative of key tea enterprises, delivers a speech.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:35
    “2023年度社會責任茶企”授牌儀式。 Inauguration of "2023 Socially Responsible Tea Enterprises".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:32
    “2023年度綜合實力引領茶企”授牌儀式。 Inauguration of "2023 Leading Tea Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:29
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    公佈“2023年度綜合實力引領茶企”和“2023年度社會責任茶企”名單。 Announcement of the lists of "2023 Leading Tea Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength" and "2023 Socially Responsible Tea Enterprises".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:26
    接下來發佈“中國茶葉流通協會2023年度重點茶企調查結果”。 Next, the "China Tea Marketing Association's 2023 Survey Results on Tea Industry in Key Counties" will be released.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:20
    典型縣域代表——中共赤壁市委書記董方平發表感言。 A representative of typical counties: Dong Fangping, Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee, delivers a speech.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:19
    “2023年度茶業鄉村振興發展縣域”授牌儀式。 Inauguration of "Counties Promoting Tea Industry for Rural Revitalization in 2023".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:16
    “2023年度三茶統籌融合發展縣域”授牌儀式。 Inauguration of "Counties Promoting Coordinated Development of Tea Culture, Industry and Technology in 2023".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:13
    接下來將發佈相關典型縣域調查結果,分別是“2023年度三茶統籌融合發展縣域”榜單和“2023年度茶業鄉村振興發展縣域”榜單。 Next to be unveiled are the typical counties survey results, namely the "List of Counties Promoting Coordinated Development of Tea Culture, Industry and Technology in 2023" and the "List of Counties Promoting Tea Industry for Rural Revitalization in 2023".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:08
    首先發佈的是“中國茶葉流通協會2023年度茶業重點縣域調查結果”。 The first to be released is the "China Tea Marketing Association's 2023 Survey Results on Tea Industry in Key Counties".
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 10:07
    茶産業一頭連著田間地頭,一頭連著消費市場,既是關乎鄉村振興的支柱産業,又是關係健康生活的特色産業。中國茶葉流通協會在全國各省級茶葉行業組織的支持下,統計分析形成了2023年度茶葉行業調查系列成果。接下來將進入行業調查結果發佈和授牌環節。 The tea industry is connected to the fields and the consumer market. It is not only a pillar industry supporting rural revitalization, but also a characteristic industry related to healthy life. With the support of tea industry organizations at the provincial level nationwide, the China Tea Marketing Association has conducted a comprehensive survey on tea industry, resulting in the statistical analysis of the findings for the year 2023. Now, let's move on to the release of industry survey results and the inauguration. 
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:56
    湖北省政協主席、湖北省茶産業鏈鏈長孫偉宣佈大會開幕。 Sun Wei, Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC and Chief of the Hubei Provincial Tea Industry Chain, announces the opening of the event.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:37
    中華全國供銷合作總社黨組成員、理事會副主任陳祖新講話。Chen Zuxin, member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Board of Directors of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, delivers a speech.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:28
    中國工程院院士、中國茶葉流通協會榮譽會長劉仲華發表講話。Liu Zhonghua, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Honorary President of the China Tea Marketing Association, gives a speech.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:21
    中共咸寧市委書記孟祥偉致辭。 Meng Xiangwei, Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee, delivers a speech.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:20
    中共咸寧市委副書記、市人民政府市長楊軍主持開幕式,他對各位領導和嘉賓的到來表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝。 Yang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Xianning Municipal People's Government, presides over the opening ceremony. He extends a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the officials and guests.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:18
    此外,還有雲南省、安徽省、福建省、山東省、四川省等省份領導,全國五十余個重點産茶縣領導,千余位國內骨幹茶企代表、專家學者和媒體記者參加開幕式。 In addition, the opening ceremony is also joined by officials from Yunnan Province, Anhui Province, Fujian Province, Shandong Province, Sichuan Province and over 50 key tea-producing counties across the country, as well as more than a thousand representatives of Chinese backbone tea enterprises, experts, scholars and media reporters.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:13
    出席大會開幕式的領導和嘉賓有:湖北省政協主席、湖北省茶産業鏈鏈長孫偉,中華全國供銷合作總社黨組成員、理事會副主任陳祖新,中國茶葉流通協會會長、全國茶葉標準化技術委員會主任委員王慶,湖北省政協秘書長涂遠超,湖北省政協農業和農村委員會主任呂文艷,湖北省農業農村廳黨組書記、廳長,省委農辦主任蔣星華,湖北省供銷社黨組書記、主任曹松,咸寧市委書記孟祥偉,咸寧市委副書記、市長楊軍,赤壁市委書記董方平,赤壁市委副書記、市長葛軍。 Officials and guests attending the opening ceremony include: Sun Wei, Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chief of the Hubei Provincial Tea Industry Chain; Chen Zuxin, member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Board of Directors of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives; Wang Qing, President of the China Tea Marketing Association and Chairman of the National Tea Standardization Technical Committee; Tu Yuanchao, Secretary-General of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC; Lv Wenyan, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC; Jiang Xinghua, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hubei Province, Director of the Agricultural Office of CPC Hubei Provincial Committee; Cao Song, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of Hubei Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperative; Meng Xiangwei, Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee; Yang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Xianning Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Xianning Municipal People's Government; Dong Fangping, Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee; and Ge Jun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chibi Municipal Committee and Mayor of the Chibi Municipal People's Government.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-18 09:08
    ​第十九屆中國茶業經濟年會、2023“一帶一路”赤壁青磚茶産業發展大會開幕式正式開始。The opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference and the 2023 Belt and Road Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Industry Development Convention now officially begins.
  • 直播列表_fororder_666
    2023-11-17 13:06
    11月18日上午,第十九屆中國茶業經濟年會、2023“一帶一路”赤壁青磚茶産業發展大會開幕式將舉行。開幕式上,將發佈2023年度茶業鄉村振興發展縣域榜單、2023年度綜合實力引領茶企榜單等,國際在線《直觀中國》欄目將對開幕式進行直播,敬請關注。The opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference and the 2023 Belt and Road Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Industry Development Convention is set to be held on the morning of November 18. It will witness the release of the List of Counties Promoting Tea Industry for Rural Revitalization in 2023 and the List of Leading Tea Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength in 2023. The "Direct China" of CRI Online will be live-streaming, so please stay tuned.