出席今天活動的領導和嘉賓有:湖北省文化和旅遊廳黨組書記、廳長李述永,山東省文化和旅遊廳黨組成員、副廳長孫蕾,湖北省文化和旅遊廳二級巡視員官信,青島市文化和旅遊局二級巡視員隋邦儒,湖北省社科院原副院長劉玉堂。 同時,參加推介會的還有山東省文化和旅遊廳、湖北省文化和旅遊廳相關處室負責人,湖北省襄陽、黃石、黃岡、十堰、孝感、隨州、仙桃、潛江、宜昌夷陵區文旅局負責同志。活動還特別邀請了魯鄂兩地重點文旅企業負責人以及兩地的媒體記者朋友。Leaders and guests attending today's event are Li Shuyong, Secretary of Party Leadership Group and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province; Sun Lei, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director-General of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Guan Xin, Level II Bureau Rank Official of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province; Sui Bangru, Level II Bureau Rank Official of Qingdao Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau; and Liu Yutang, former vice president of Hubei Academy of Social Sciences. Other guests attending the promotion conference include persons in charge from various divisions and sections of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province. In addition, leading officials from the culture and tourism bureaus of Xiangyang, Huangshi, Huanggang, Shiyan, Xiaogan, Suizhou, Xiantao, Qianjiang, and Yichang Yiling District in Hubei Province will also be present. The promotion conference extends invitations to senior executives of key cultural and tourism enterprises in Shandong and Hubei provinces. Media representatives from both regions are also invited to cover the event.