冬奧會開幕一週年 和石外英語外教安德瑞一起打卡冬奧場館吧
來源:長城24小時  |  2023-02-07 17:00:14

  原標題:Visit Freezing Wonderland in Chongli丨① Exploring Olympic Venues

Visit Freezing Wonderland in Chongli丨① Exploring Olympic Venues

  To celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Chongli, a fascinating place for its ice and snow landscape, has launched a series of activities including exhibition on ice and snow sculptures, and it has been ready to welcome winter sports enthusiasts, many of whom long to experience the Olympic venues themselves.

  As a lover of Chinese culture and a fan of ski sport, Adrian Young has long planned to visit Chongli and have a personal feeling of the Chinese-style "Winter Olympic Experience". As the iHebei overseas communication officer, he just heard that Chongli had opened its three Olympic venues and one Olympic village to visitors for free.

  A few days ago, he went to Chongli and introduced the city's sublime scenery to the audience in his unique way.


  激情冰雪 相約河北。來自英國的安德瑞是一名中國文化愛好者和滑雪運動愛好者,他早有計劃去崇禮體驗一下充滿“中國范兒”的“冬奧之旅”。


  總策劃:張才 趙兵  丁偉

  Supervising Producers: Zhang Cai, Zhao Bing, Ding Wei

  總監製:王榮麗 李遙  賈芳

  Chief Producers: Wang Rongli, Li Yao, Jia Fang

  策 劃:張哲 楊建民  韓琳

  Producers: Zhang Zhe, Yang Jianmin, Han Lin

  監   制:鄭白 賈洋

  Executive Producers: Zheng Bai, Jia Yang

  編   導:李文培  宋立芳

  Choreographer-directors: Li Wenpei, Song Lifang

  拍   攝:王守一

  Cinematographer: Wang Shouyi

  剪   輯:趙博軒

  Editor: Zhao Boxuan


  Script Translator: Song Lifang

  指導單位: 河北省文化和旅遊廳

  Guiding Unit: Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

  鳴謝單位:崇禮區委宣傳部 張家口奧體體育文化有限公司

  Special Thanks to: Publicity Department of the CPC Chongli District Committee, Zhangjiakou Olympic Sports Culture Co., Ltd.
