我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市
來源:北斗融媒  |  2022-10-04 14:18:29

  原標題:我眼中的遼寧 | 大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  Liaoning in my eyes

  Dalian & Shenyang – The most liveable cities of liaoning province



  Dalian Castle hotel 大連城堡酒店

  A glance of castle hotel and residential community near the Xinghai Square, Dalian. One calm night, when the water was still and weather was pleasant, I was having a walk and had a glance of a famous hotel along with residential apartments. I looked at it through my lens and decided to freeze it forever!


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  xinghai bay bridge 興海灣大橋

  Everyone has some favorites, and I am no different. One of my favorite spots in Dalian is also the beautiful Xinghai Bay Bridge that I have visited at different times and taken photos using different techniques. Here I would like to share few photos of this spot from where one can see the beauty of this bridge as well as the sunset!


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  Dalian Oriental Water City 大連東方水城

  A famous place here as known as Venice of Dalian is the Oriental Water City. I have visited this place multiple times too, and every time I found it more charming and alive. Here I’m sharing some of the clicks I took here. Please enjoy the journey of this beautiful place through my lens. 


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  University Campus 大學校園

  Another good thing about Dalian is its Dalian University of Technology, and if I say its Development Zone Campus is more beautiful than the main campus, I won’t be wrong perhaps. The campus lake, with the backdrop of beautiful Black Mountain, and sun setting behind the mountains usually give the mesmerizing feelings, and one feels like a poet in the garden.


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  By the way, if you’re wondering about the above photo how it was taken, I may surprise you more by saying that I took it with my phone Camera. Yeah, the above photo of our university campus I once took with my phone camera while having a walk near the lake and couldn’t resist when I saw the beautiful colors at sunset.


  Below are two more photos I took in the campus. These photos elaborates the beauty of Autumn. 


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  Below is another photo I took from a bridge in our campus. This bridge connects the one side of campus to other side where we have student dormitories, canteens, etc. 


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  Golden Pebble Beach 金石灘

  Now, I’ll talk about a place I may have visited the most in Dalian. It’s no other than the famous tourist spot, Jinshitan (Golden Pebble beach). The photos below were taken here and nearby locations.


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  Shenyang 瀋陽

  My first home in China, and where I bought the first DLSR camera and found great interest in Photography was Shenyang. It was my second home, after Pakistan. I had great experiences here and found my love here as well. Below are some photos I took in Shenyang. 


我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

我眼中的遼寧 | Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen:大連&瀋陽-遼寧最宜居城市

  About me 關於我

  I am Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen from Pakistan, and currently a PhD student in School of Software at Dalian University of Technology. My research area is Digital Image Processing, and my favorite hobby is Photography. I came to China in 2015, while I graduated from Northeast University in January 2018, and went back to my country where I did job for a year. During that time, I found out that I am inclined to pursue the PhD, and due to my wonderful experience in China, I decided to choose China once again, to come to Liaoning again, but this time to Dalian. Beyond many reasons to choose Dalian, one reason is the comfortable weather here most of the time. Another reason could be the university itself which is the top ranked university in Liaoning province. 

  我是Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen,來自巴基斯坦,目前是大連理工大學軟體學院的博士生。我的研究領域是數字圖像處理,而我最喜歡的愛好是攝影。我2015年來到中國,而後於2018年1月從東北大學畢業,回國後做了一年的工作。在那段時間裏,我發現我傾向於攻讀博士學位,由於我在中國的美好經歷,我決定再次選擇中國,再次來到遼寧,但這次是來到大連。選擇大連的原因很多,其中一個原因是這裡大部分時間都有舒適的天氣。另一個原因可能是大學本身,它是遼寧省排名第一的大學。
