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One Blossom, One City - 40th Anniversary of Peony Fair

|ChinaNews|2022-04-21 09:18:22

It has been learned from Luoyang Folk Museum on April 15 that the online exhibition named "One Blossom, One City - 40th Anniversary of The Peony Culture Festival in Luoyang" has been officially launched.

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One Blossom, One City - 40th Anniversary of Peony Fair_fororder_圖片1

The exhibition, hosted by Luoyang Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau and undertaken by Luoyang Folk Museum, was themed on "One Blossom, One City" and divided into three units, namely "From Release to Brand Establishment", "Luoyang's Platform for Henan Province" and "The Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China". Over 800 pieces of items collected by Liu Yanqing over the years are displayed at the exhibition, which tell the changes over the past 40 years from "Peony Fair" to "The Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China" with park tickets, photos, performance lists, emblems of the peony fair and IDs. The exhibition will evoke your memory of peony culture and feel the splendid transformation in the ancient city of Luoyang.

Visitors are recommended to log in to the official website of Luoyang Folk Museum or scan the QR code below to enjoy the exhibition online.

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One Blossom, One City - 40th Anniversary of Peony Fair_fororder_圖片4

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