League of Research Institutes along the Belt and Road founded in Shenyang

Li Ziping, Zhang Song|ChinaNews|Published:2018-06-20 09:41:11

A convention for the founding of the League of Research Institutes along the Belt and Road was held in Shenyang Surveying-Geotechnical Research Institute Co. Ltd of MCC on June 14. 

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A signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation (Photo by Ding Wanying)

The league was initiated collaborately by 40 research institutes in 18 cities from China and abroad. Representatives from these institutes signed a memorandum of cooperation on the convention.Shenyang Declaration of the League of Research Institutes along the Belt and Road was released. Feng Shouquan, Member of the Standing Committee of Shenyang, Minister of the Department of Propaganda and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Education and Engineering delivered a keynote speech.

The League of Research Institutes along the Belt and Road is a non-corporate entity established by research organs which have intentions to cooperate and form alliance. The league is committed to establish a platform facilitating cooperation among internatinal think-tanks in the field of scientific research and promoting collaborative innovation and transformation of technological achievements. It will be a new stimulus to the establishment of the science and technology innovation center of Northeast Asia in Shenyang.

Prior to the convention of the founding of the League of Research Institutes along the Belt and Road, 40 research institues approved in an open vote for the regulation of the League and they elected the first council. 

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