Wang Shumin, Head Nurse of Department of Critical Care Medicine of the First People’s Hospital of Shangqiu City, Henan, China, Serves Patients Heart and Soul

|ChinaNews|Published:2020-06-30 16:15:39


Wang Shumin (the right one), Head Nurse, checks the broken pipeline photo by Wan Qingli

At 12:29, June 19, in the Department of Critical Care Medicine of the First People’s Hospital of Shangqiu City, Henan, China, the peripherally inserted central venous catheters end and pipeline of a patient's arm broke. Head nurse Wang Shumin quickly took a picture of the broken pipeline and sent it to Huang Yunna, the head of the hospital's venous pipeline team and head nurse, and she contacted with the relevant people for more information. At 12:47, Wang Shumin told the patient's family about the details, informed the family of treatment measures. Just around ten minutes, Wang Shumin dealt with it orderly.


Head nurse Wang Shumin (third one from the right side) communicates with the patient's family photo by Wan Qingli

On June 19, it has been nearly four months since Wang Shumin set out with the team on February 21 to help Wuhan, but she could clearly remember the team's experience treating critically ill patients on the front line in Wuhan to anti-epidemic. One day when it was raining heavily, they transferred critically ill patients from the intensive care ward to do the CT scan, they climbed a hill and diverted, just 500 meters away, but it's the toughest.


Medical staff are transferring patients (photo provided by interviewee)


Head nurse Wang Shumin makes the rounds of the wards in Wuhan (photo provided by interviewee)


Head nurse Wang Shumin makes the rounds of the wards in Shangqiu  photo by Wan Qingli

"Whether it's in Wuhan or Shangqiu, in every step and process of treating patients and improving patient satisfaction, we can't have any fluke and must do our job with heart and soul." Wang Shumin said.

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