Craft Beer China 2022 Conference and Exhibition Held in Nanjing

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-09-16 19:12:44

Craft Beer China 2022 Conference and Exhibition was held at Nanjing International Expo Center from September 7 to 9.

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Visitors view the products on display at the exhibition.

About 200 upstream and downstream enterprises in craft beer industry participated in the exhibition with exhibits covering various fields, such as craft beer production, raw materials, packaging, production line and related equipment, as well as sales.

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Some of the exhibits

More than 100 high-quality craft beer brands gathered at a market-like site of the exhibition, displaying all kinds of products.

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Visitors view the products on display at the exhibition.

Numerous wonderful events were organized alongside the exhibition, including summit forums focusing on industry trends, beer tastings for Brussels Beer Challenge winners, online tours of the exhibition, and online live interviews.

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