Meet Tieling at 42 degrees north latitude where Lotus grows in clear water

|中央廣電總臺國際在線|Published:2019-09-03 16:23:32


Wang Yongcheng, Deputy Director of Tieling Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau Photo: Chen Yingnan

  The northeast China is inlaid with such a different water city. The winding river is like a jade belt, winding through mountains and cities, with people and feelings tightly in the green mountains and green waters.

  Tieling, a thousand-year-old city, stands together with Longshou Mountain and Chaihe River. People walking in the city have water flowing around all the time. With a touch of lotus fragrance, I met the beauty of Tieling.

  On August 21, CRI Online Liaoning Channel interviewed Wang Yongcheng, deputy director of Tieling Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau, a northern water city with ink and lotus fragrance attracting tourists at home and abroad.

  "The Tieling rivers crisscross, and we have developed Tieling Lotus Wetland, Liaoning Changtu Liaohe National Wetland Park, two lakes and one river, North Liaoning Water Town Resort, Tieling Kirin Lake National Forest Park and other bright spots around the natural resources of the water system, superimposed on human history, ethnic folklore and other advantages," Wang Yongcheng said.

  Wander through Tieling Lotus Wetland, listen to the wind blowing the lotus leaf, breeze-ruffled lotus at Quyuan Garden, experience lotus fragrance, wetlands, Xiuhu comfortablely. Longshou Mountain is like a green dragon lying in Tieling; Koguryo City in Xifeng Chengzi Mountain is famous for its strange pine, strange stone, forest sea and historic sites. Kaiyuan Huangqizhai Egret Island Nature Reserve, is inhabited by more than 5,000 egrets and has rich vegetation and beautiful water and grass.

  In the magical 42 °north latitude, Tieling not only has agricultural gold production belt, sika deer, ginseng, tussah silkworm, wild Chinese herbal medicine and other rare products that are famous at home and abroad, but also contains rich natural resources. The rise of Tieling cultural tourism is burst out of vitality.


  Tieling Lotus Wetland Photo: Tieling Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau


  Egret Island Nature Reserve Photo: Tieling Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau

  (Author Li Jing Yang Wei)

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