Renzhi Village, Tonglu, Zhejiang Turns Steamed Buns into an Industry Enriching Local People

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-12-30 18:50:08

Recently, the Renzhi Steamed Bun Industrial Park in Renzhi Village, Chengnan Sub-district, Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China has been in full swing, with thousands of freshly-made steamed buns being loaded into transfer boxes and waiting to be shipped to thousands of households.

Inspired by the Renzhi industrial park, Qiu Genliang, a villager who had worked elsewhere for many years, returned to his hometown and established Qiu Genliang Food Co., Ltd. Relying on his accumulated social connections and sales channels, his company now produces and sells every day 30,000 steamed buns made with fermented rice wine (also called "fermented steamed buns").

Renzhi Village, Tonglu County, Zhejiang Turns Steamed Buns into an Industry Enriching Local People_fororder_圖片 1

Workers are making steamed buns. [Photo by Huang Rongping]

The market for fermented steamed buns was expanded, but the output failed to keep up. In order to solve this problem, Renzhi Village adopted the "company + household" model. The original family workshops produce buns in accordance with the standards of the industrial park, and their output is uniformly purchased and sold by the industrial park. This has not only addressed the production capacity insufficiency of the industrial park, but also helped family workshops earn more money. At present, the daily output of Renzhi fermented steamed buns has reached 100,000, and the annual output is expected to reach 26 million, with an output value of more than CNY 28 million.

These achievements are attributed to Renzhi Village's focus on the goals of building the version 3.0 of beautiful village. Renzhi Village has paid close attention to the areas of weakness in village environment and courtyard construction, promoting the renovation of courtyards. Thanks to these efforts, its environment has been significantly improved.

Taking the construction of the Daqi Mountain landscape belt and a beautiful and livable demonstration village as an opportunity, Renzhi Village has gradually implemented a series of projects such as village renovation, building of supporting facilities, and construction of distinctive scenic spots, embracing huge development potential and more development opportunities. Meanwhile, the living conditions of villagers have been improved, and their spiritual life has also been enriched. (Text by Huang Rongping)

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