"Beijing · A Global City" Short Video Contest Submission Guidelines

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-08-25 18:00:02

I. Theme

Focusing on securing major activities of foreign affairs in Beijing, improving the city's functional facilities, attracting and integrating high-end elements around the world, and optimizing the city's international services, this event calls for outstanding short videos to show Beijing's role as a center for international exchanges in diverse ways and Beijing's image as a global city in a realistic and comprehensive manner, to welcome the 20th National Congress of CPC.

II. Time

Entry submission: From the release date of the guidelines to October 20, 2022

III. Eligible Participants

Eligible participants including Beijing residents, foreigners working and living in Beijing, foreign institutions in Beijing, etc. The video creator can be an individual or a team.

IV. Requirements

1. The submitted videos should be original works that have not won awards in other contests and should have strong relevance to theme "Beijing · A Global City".

2. Each video should be no longer than two minutes with a resolution of no less than 1280*720. Formats include MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP4 are acceptable.

3. The content of each submitted video must be appropriate, positive and appealing.

4. The participants should be responsible for copyright and other issues related to the submitted videos. The host may use them for non-profit promotion and long-term display to the public, including promotion via overseas social media platforms.

5. Videos can be in any language. Chinese subtitles are needed for videos in foreign languages other than English.V. Submission

Submit your video via Kuaishou, a short video platform, and publish it with the hashtag #2022北京國際范兒# ("Beijing · A Global City"). Meanwhile, please send the original file, the name and introduction of the file, and the author information (name, employment and contact) of your video to the email address of the organizing committee (beijingvideos@cri.cn) for further communication. Dial 68892856 if you have more questions.VI. Selection, Awards and Publicity

1. Comprehensive evaluation will be made according to relevance to the theme, creativity and innovation, artistic appeal and quality of the entries. The winners of two first prizes, five second prizes, ten third prizes and twenty excellent awards will be selected. In addition, a number of excellent organization honorary awards are set up for the participating units.

2. Key Selection Criteria

(1) Content: Relevance to the theme, creativity and innovation, artistic appeal, quality and other factors are taken into account.

(2) Publicity: page view, number of likes, comments and forwards.

3. Awards: The host will issue certificates and award bonuses for winners. Pre-tax bonuses of CNY 5,000 will be awarded for winning the first prize, CNY 2,000 for winning the second prize, CNY 1,000 for winning the third prize and CNY 500 for winning the excellent award.

4. Publicity: The winning works will be widely promoted via the official websites, Weibo accounts and other new media platforms of the host and the organizer.  

5. The winners will be announced via the official websites of Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, CRI Online and other official channels.

VII. Other

The host reserves the right of interpretation for matters that are not concerned.

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