Zhongjiang Stone Forest Valley of Deyang: A Geological Wonder Comparable to Antelope Canyon

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-12-29 15:44:35

The Antelope Valley in Arizona is word-famous for its natural sculptures. Unexpectedly, in Jifeng Town, Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, more than 90 kilometers away from Chengdu, there is also a geological wonder similar to Antelope Canyon--Zhongjiang Stone Forest Valley.

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Stone Forest Valley Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

The development and demonstration construction project for rural revitalization of Zhongjiang Stone Forest Valley is located in Gudian Village, Jifeng Town. The original ecological landform is unique, with stone forests all over the place. Mountains, water, stones and caves are naturally formed, known as the "Antelope Valley" and "Stone Forest Valley" by locals. After investigation, the local underground contains rich hot spring resources, connected to the thousand-meter-long Panlong Cave, which owns broad development prospects.

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Stone Forest Valley Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

Stone Forest Valley is made up of ten-meter-high stone platforms that are covered with countless boulders. The strong scour left traces on each boulder, the lines are natural and smooth, and different rock sections show different line angles, giving tourists to endless aftertastes.

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Stone Forest Valley Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

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Stone Forest Valley Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

Dotted with Jurassic sandstone left from the Quaternary glaciers, the scenic area forms a natural slit canyon. The stone forest landscape layout is compact, with strange shapes and steep stone valleys, forming a special cultural atmosphere and aesthetic appreciation value.

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A corner of Stone Forest Valley [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

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Stone Forest Valley Scenic Area [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Zhongjiang County Committee]

In the valley, Changling Bridge, Changling Canyon, Qixian Cave, Zhonggu Stone, Lucky Pool, Panlong Temple and other natural and cultural landscapes contain rich cultural deposits and folklore. The beautiful scenery fascinates people the most.

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