'Hello, Aerospace' Aerospace Dream Chasing Week Showcases Various Outstanding Events

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-05-15 15:36:36

On the afternoon of April 20, a lineup of activities unfolded as part of the 'Hello, Aerospace' Aerospace Dream Chasing Week These included the Aerospace Lecture and Commercial Aerospace Summit Forum and Tour to Explore Aerospace Industry. Esteemed experts, scholars, and representatives from various enterprises and investment institutions graced the event with their presence, exchanging insights and ideas on the industry's economic potential and exploring new models for commercial aerospace, all aimed at propelling our country towards a position of competitiveness in this dynamic field. More than 200 participants attended these activities.

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The Commercial Aerospace Summit Forum of the event

Tian Nong, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Xi'an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base addressed the forum and extended a welcome and gratitude to the guests who attended the event. Wang Dingyi, Chief Scientist of Tianta, Zhou Ziyuan, Chairman of Nanjing Intane Optical Engineering Co., Ltd., and Cheng Yizhi, Writer specializing in aerospace science popularization and Founder of Three-body Gravitational Wave, delivered speeches on topics ranging from the application and prospects of aerospace remote sensing technology in carbon neutrality, the test of laser-based and space-to-ground communication, and the history and future trends of the space transportation systems. With each speaker bringing their own unique perspective to the forum, participants were able to gain insights into the latest advancements in the field of aerospace, while also sharing in the pioneering spirit that has long been associated with this industry.

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The roundtable forum of the event

Following insightful speeches at the summit forum, a roundtable session convened to delve into the investment patterns in the aerospace industry. Renowned investors and representatives of key commercial aerospace enterprises analyzed the vast potential for commercial aerospace and conducted in-depth discussions on the opportunities and possibilities in this field.

The advancement of aerospace technology to a certain level has given rise to the commercial aerospace industry, one that draws upon a wide range of social resources. This vibrant sector serves as a crucial complement as well as a supporter to China's traditional aerospace capabilities, providing vital backing for the collective development of the industry and the realization of our nation's space dreams.

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