Ussal Sahbaz: Promoting a Human-Centered, Equal and Inclusive Digital World

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-07-06 10:03:02

The World Internet Conference (WIC) Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization was held from June 26 to 27 in Qufu, Jining City, east China's Shandong Province, the birthplace of Confucius. Themed "The Age of AI: Building a Digital World of Exchanges, Mutual Learning, and Inclusiveness", Nishan Dialogue has brought together guests from home and abroad to discuss the governance of digital civilization in the age of AI to promote the development of AI for good. During the conference, Ussal Sahbaz, Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) of Türkiye, received an exclusive interview with CRI Online. He proposed that digitalization is ultimately a human issue, a humanitarian issue, and we need to promote a human-centered, equal and inclusive development and governance of AI.

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