“Hi, Shandong - Opportunities in China·Vibrant Qingdao” Foreign Media’s Visit to Qingdao Ended Successfully

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-05-29 14:26:46

"It's a fascinating city where traditional and modern elements coexist harmoniously.”

"Qingdao is a beautiful city where the residents here have great sense of happiness. I’m really moved by the vitality shown by Qingdao's scientific and technological development."

On May 29, the three-day "Hi, Shandong - Opportunities in China·Vibrant Qingdao" Foreign Media's Visit to Qingdao came to an end. Foreign journalists from Cambodia, Pakistan, Russia, South Korea, Syria and other countries talked about their feelings about this trip and their reluctance to leave.

During the journey, foreign journalists conducted focused interviews around the continuous urban renewal efforts, the creation of a beautiful, livable, and business-friendly Qingdao, and the development of new quality productive forces. This activity aims to tell the "Qingdao story" in the context of China's high-level opening up to the outside world, and fully demonstrate the vitality and leadership role of Qingdao.

Foreign journalists watch clapper talk performance. [Photo by Guo Fuying]

This event, co-organized by the Information Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government and CRI Online Shandong, aims to share Qingdao's development opportunities with the world, spread the voice of China through Qingdao's stories, and showcase the charm of China through Qingdao's allure, thus contributing to compose a new chapter in Qingdao's international image dissemination.

Foreign journalists left their footprints at Pichai Courtyard, Xiaoyangchun Tea Museum, SCODA Pearl International Expo Center, Hexagon Smart Industry Park, Qingdao Haizete Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Laixi, Qingdao. The three-day trip here left a deep impression on them. They all said that they would tell the stories they recorded with pens and cameras to their friends in their hometown, so as to make more people know about Qingdao and appreciate the unique charm of the city as a "Vibrant Ocean City, Pleasant and Fascinating Center."

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