From Fingertips to Tongue: Chinese and Foreign Media Delegation's Trip to Explore Intangible Cultural Heritage Crafts

|CRI Online|Published:2024-08-28 15:52:41

On August 25, the event "Discover the National Brand and Experience Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage – A Trip Featuring Intangible Cultural Heritage Item of Suzhou-style Mooncakes of Daoxiangcun" took media representatives to time-honored brand, Daoxiangcun. Overseas influencers from countries such as the United States, Germany, Colombia, Serbia, Republic of Korea, and Thailand, along with Mongolian, Nepali, and Arabic anchors from China Media Group (referred to as the foreign and Chinese media delegation), visited the Suzhou factory and Guanqian Street store of Daoxiangcun Group. They toured the modern production workshop of Suzhou-style mooncakes and experienced the intangible heritage craft of making these mooncakes.

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The foreign and Chinese media delegation poses for a group photo at the Guanqian Street store.

At the beginning of the event, the foreign and Chinese media delegation visited Daoxiangcun's Suzhou factory. Stepping into the exhibition hall, they were instantly amazed by a stunning array of mooncakes. Varieties of mooncakes, resembling art pieces, were elegantly arranged on the stands, their golden-brown sheen and intricate designs a visual delight. On the wall, the introduction of the six generations of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) inheritors drew attention, illustrating their contribution to perpetuating this traditional craft through skill and ingenuity.

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Old packaging display in the exhibition hall of Daoxiangcun (Photo by Han Donglin)

Guided by Ai Man, the sixth-generation inheritor of Daoxiangcun, the foreign and Chinese media delegation walked through the corridor and entered the Group's modern production workshop. Through the bright glass windows, they observed bustling activity and the hum of machinery.  From ingredient selection to dough kneading, filling, and shaping, every step showcased the artisans' dedication and ingenuity.

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Daoxiangcun Mooncakes and pastries (Photo by Han Donglin)

Subsequently, the Chinese and foreign media delegation visited Daoxiangcun's original store location on Guanqian Street. Professor Li Feng, a Qing dynasty history expert in the country and author of A Draft History of Suzhou Daoxiangcun has made the following remarks after research, "This is perhaps the only shop in China that has maintained its location for nearly three centuries - the original site of Daoxiangcun store on Guanqian Street." This store is not only a showcase for Suzhou's traditional culture but also a hub for the inheritance of the ICH craft of making Suzhou-style mooncakes. Here, the delegation had a hands-on experience of making Daoxiangcun's signature clear water rose mooncakes.


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The foreign and Chinese media delegation experience the making of clear water rose mooncakes, (Photo by Han Donglin)

Under the demonstration and attentive guidance of Mr. Xu Hongsheng, the fifth-generation inheritor of Daoxiangcun, the media delegation engaged in the mooncake making techniques, such as dough kneading, filling, and shaping. The entire process was crafted by hand, without the aid of any molds, allowing them to fully experience the art and ingenuity at fingertips.

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Lai Yaming from Germany (Photo by Sang Dege)

Lai Yaming from Germany expressed his feelings after experiencing the mooncake-making process, "Chinese pastries, in my impression, are delicate, bite-sized treats that delight both the eyes and the palate. Tasting Daoxiangcun's pastries has confirmed and reinforced this perception. Each bite of these pastries is not just about the flavors; it's a story of tradition and craftsmanship spanning generations."

As reported, Daoxiangcun has been actively exploring innovation of incorporating traditional Chinese cultural elements into its product development. The brand is merging classic elements of national culture with traditional pastries, developing China-Chic products that cater to the consumption preferences of younger consumers. A prime example of this is the fusion of Biluochun tea, Suzhou's most influential geographical indication product, with Suzhou-style pastries to launching a trendy Suzhou-style tea treats – the Biluochun Tea Pastry. This innovative product presents the "business card" of Suzhou in a novel and appetizing manner.

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Biluochun Tea Pastry

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Rachel from the United States is holding a Daoxiangcun gift box. (Photo by Han Donglin)

Rachel said, "It's great to hear that Daoxiangcun's products have made their way to my hometown! If there's a chance, I would love to take my friends to try them out!"

The event "Discover the National Brand and Experience Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage – A Trip Featuring Intangible Cultural Heritage Item of Suzhou-style Mooncakes of Daoxiangcun" is not only a cultural exchange but also a vehicle for cultural dissemination.

Zhou Guangjun, Chairman and President of Daoxiangcun Group, stated that "Being honest, doing things with integrity, achieving success through benefiting others, and pursuing excellence" are the business principles of Daoxiangcun. For centuries, Daoxiangcun has upheld its social responsibility, actively engaged in business development, and forged ahead through challenges. With its distinctive flavors and rich cultural heritage, Daoxiangcun has become a microcosm of excellent traditional Chinese culture. It is also a platform, allowing people from all over the world to closely experience and understand Chinese culinary culture, thereby effectively enhancing global understanding and appreciation of China. Through first-hand experiences and word-of-mouth recommendations, Daoxiangcun helps spread Chinese culinary and cultural heritage transcending geographical boundaries to the world.

Currently, Daoxiangcun has over 800 exclusive stores and more than 100,000 offline sales outlets across the country. Its products have been exported to nearly 50 countries and regions globally.

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