Xi'an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base Takes Multiple Measures to Attract Talents

|ChinaNews|Published:2023-05-16 16:48:26

In recent years, Xi'an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base has solved the problem of talent shortage in industrial development, adhered to the principle of gathering talents and boosting production with talents, accurately grasped regional characteristics and resource advantages, steadily promoted the connection of talent chain and industrial chain, the integration of talent development and industrial development, promoted the cultivation, introduction and use of industrial talents in an all-round way, and constantly created a new situation of producing talents in large numbers and making full use of talents.

The aerospace industrial base attracts talent and gathers them to accumulate industrial momentum. Under the guidance of the "1+10+13+N" innovation system, the aerospace industrial base adheres to the strategy of introducing talents in an all-round, multi-level and broad field, carries out the project of "attracting talents and gathering strength", promotes the integration of talents with the industrial chain and innovation chain, attracts talents through projects, activities and platforms, and introduces "high-level, sophisticated, rare and special" talents and teams to inject vitality into the industrial development.

Talents help solve industrial problems. The aerospace industrial base focuses on key fields and industrial directions, actively explores the needs of enterprises, helps enterprises in the docking area reach cooperation intention of talent training with local universities, and carries out exchange activities. At the same time, combining the advantages of key industries, we will promote the combination of industry, university and research, promote the transformation of achievements and enterprise incubation, and build a bridge between scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Improve services and optimize the ecology of talent retention. The aerospace industrial base builds an ecological chain of talent development around the industrial chain, focuses on improving the efficiency of talent service, earnestly implements the system of contacting and serving high-level talents for the members of the Party Working Committee, and regularly carries out heart-warming activities such as physical examination and visiting of experts and talents.

The space base will continue to take key industries as the guide, focusing on the introduction of industrial talents, training of talents in characteristic industries, and services for talents in the aerospace industry, so as to provide solid talent guarantee and intellectual support for high-quality development.

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