State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power: Ensure Robust Power Supply with Multiple Measures to Beat Cold Waves

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-01-31 09:21:43

Recently, Shaanxi Province of China has been repeatedly blasted with frigid air. To meet residents' heating and electricity needs, State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company Limited ("State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power") has resolutely shouldered the heavy responsibility of ensuring power supply by coordinating efforts to do well in disaster prevention, power grid security, and power supply guarantee. With its resilience and deep dedication, the company keeps the lights of households on and delivers warmth in this cold winter.

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Power workers heading to the operation site

State Grid Yulin Power Supply Company gave full play to the role of the "multi-dimensional inspection" system and organized line operation and maintenance personnel to prepare for de-icing and ice removal through online monitoring and video surveillance devices. Additionally, it employed the smart combination of "human inspection + drone inspection" to inspect key sections in an all-round way, including dense transmission channels and overhead lines crossing roads, railways and rivers for an accurate understanding of the operational status and health of the equipment.

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Power workers inspecting lines in the snow

Workers in Weinan, Shaanxi, conducted inspections in areas prone to icing through a combination of "centralized monitoring + on-site drone inspection" to promptly restore power and address key electrical defects.

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Power workers inspecting power lines

In Xi'an, Shaanxi, the company asked the substation operation and maintenance center, substation overhaul center, transmission operation and inspection center, high-voltage cable operation and inspection center, and secondary overhaul center to carry out comprehensive inspections and overhaul of equipment sealing, door locks, heating and lighting in the substations.

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Power workers setting up simulated power lines

Zhaochuan Power Supply Station of the State Grid Shannan Power Supply Company conducted nighttime inspections for potential hazards on the 10 kV power lines and in heavily overloaded substations in its jurisdiction. During the peak electricity consumption period at night, its workers focused on checking for any damage to porcelain insulators, signs of looseness, overheating or breakage in switch wires, transformers and other equipment contacts, as well as whether transformers were operating under overload conditions. These efforts are for ensuring a reliable electricity supply for the residents.

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Power workers working at the scene

State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power employees, with professionalism and commitment to their original mission, are dedicated to keeping lights of countless homes on, helping people through the cold weather and reassuring them. (Text by Shi Bingqian, Photo by Chai Ying)

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