Diplomats from 16 Countries Walk into Yulin to Find a New Path for Green and Low-carbon Development

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-06-18 15:34:49

On June 3, 18 diplomats from 16 countries, who are stationed in China, visited the photovoltaic (PV) power station of Yulin Xiehe Ecological New Energy Co., Ltd. to explore the development path of green energy in Yulin. "The PV industry here is developing perfectly. My country is also developing new energy such as wind energy and solar energy. We hope to have more in-depth cooperation with China in energy." Said MARTIN HOSEK, Deputy Director (Minister Counselor) of the Czech Embassy in China.

Diplomats in China visit the PV power station of Yulin Xiehe Ecological New Energy Co., Ltd.

The Yulin Xiehe Ecological New Energy Co., Ltd.'s PV power station project implements ecological restoration in sync with project construction by raising the bracket height and timely planting grass, achieving three-dimensional coordinated development of agricultural production, PV industry, and resource exploitation.

PV power station

"China's new energy industry is at a very high level of development, providing a great example for my country to learn from. Burkina Faso is currently facing challenges in electricity and energy, so China will be our priority partner for developing new energy," said BONAVENTURE SAWADOGO, Burkina Faso's diplomat in China.

BONAVENTURE SAWADOGO, Burkina Faso's diplomat in China

Diplomats in China take a group photo after their visit to the Yulin Xiehe Ecological New Energy Co., Ltd.'s PV power station.

In recent years, Yulin has made active efforts to seize the strategic opportunities of the "dual carbon" strategy, initiating pilot programs in energy transformation, green development, and the application of new low-carbon technologies, vigorously developing the new energy industry, and accelerating the progress of key projects in the new energy industry, to support high-quality development with green development. (Reported by Chen Dan)

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