21 Foreign Youths Walk into Datong with Praise

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-01-30 08:58:22

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On May 30, 2021, foreign youths were reading The Ballad of Mulan with a classic recitation art troupe [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Datong Municipal Committee]

In recent years, Datong city of Shanxi province has carried out a series of effective explorations to further display its city image. On May 30, 2021, 21 foreign youths from 12 countries, including Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Columbia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Nepal and other countries, visited Datong ancient city and Yungang Grottoes. These young scholars, vloggers, entrepreneurs who work, live, or study in China were invited to have a close-up look at Datong after its transformed development.

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Themed online gala [Photo via the Publicity Department of the CPC Datong Municipal Committee]

In the morning, the group of youths walked into Mingtang Park, to whose splendid architectural art and abundant mass cultural activities they were immediately attracted. They then took photos, had friendly interactions with citizens, participated in the recording of The Ballad of Mulan recitation with a classic recitation art troupe, and experienced the culture of traditional Han clothing. At Yongtaimen Square, they watched the flash mob performing classic red songs, recorded the poem recitation named “You Are the April of This World”, and experienced the charming ancient city with blue sky and clear water. In Prince Dai’s Mansion, visitors were welcomed by the host with the intoxicating stringed music of Guzheng (Chinese zither), where they admired the great ancient architecture.

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Foreign youths are taking photos in front of the Yungang Grottoes.

When the group arrived at the Yungang Grottoes, a world cultural heritage site, they were deeply amazed by the extraordinary grottoes. Following the steps of the guide, they walked into the sculptural art treasure house to explore its secret and feel the integration of multiculture. The guests said that Datong impressed them with friendly people, breathtaking landscape and profound historical culture, and they hope more people come to Datong and learn about the city. Later that day, they took part in the recording of the cloud meeting named “A World of Universal Harmony·We Are the World” and an online gala.

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