Prosecuting Authority in Guangxi to Deepen Judicial Exchange and Cooperation with ASEAN Counterparts

Liu Yang|ChinaNews|Published:2019-03-15 12:57:14

Guangxi, a key gateway for China’s open cooperation with ASEAN, is poised to tap into the vast opportunities of the Belt and Road Initiative.  

During the “two sessions”- the annual meetings of the national legislature and the top political advisory body in Beijing, Cui Zhiyou, Chief Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said in an interview with CRI Online that Guangxi’s prosecuting authority should actively deepen judicial exchange and cooperation with ASEAN countries, in order to give full play to their regional advantages.


Cui Zhiyou with CRI Online journalist. Photograph by Qin xiaobo

Cui pointed out that Guangxi’s geographical proximity with ASEAN nations positions the region as the gateway for open cooperation between China and ASEAN. Guangxi has already had extensive cooperation with ASEAN countries in a wide array of projects associated with the Belt and Road Initiative, ASEAN–China Free Trade Area and Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.

In order to prosecute various cross-border criminal activities more effectively, the prosecuting authority in Guangxi has taken a series of measures to actively deepen judicial exchanges and cooperation with the prosecutorial organs of ASEAN countries.

The official website of the China-ASEAN Procecutor-General Conference was founded in 2017, as with the China-ASEAN Prosecutors Exchange and Training Base and the People's Procuratorate of Guangxi's office for ASEAN judicial affairs. 

As of the end of 2018, the training base had already held seven seminars for senior prosecutors from six ASEAN member countries, and received visits by delegations from eight member countries. Personnel from the training base also paid a number of visits to countries including Myanmar and Cambodia for the purpose of judicial course exchanges.

The People’s Procuratorate of Guangxi Autonomous Region has taken the initiative in organizing regular meetings with prosecutorial organs in the border regions of Vietnam.With a direct coordination mechanism in place between the two sides, the efficiency of judicial cooperation has been greatly improved.(Kevin)

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