Russian Lakes, Good "Substitutes" of the Sea

|ChinaNews|Published:2021-08-14 21:22:36

In Russia, lakes such as Baikal, Ladoga, Baskunchak and Seliger offer good substitutes of the "sea".

Lake Baikal, surrounded by picturesque mountains and hills and dotted with 12 major islands, is a prime tourist attraction in any season.

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Lake Baikal in Winter (Photo via CGTN)

Lake Ladoga, the second largest lake in Russia, features jagged and rugged rocks at its north bank. There are reefs on one side of the lake, a beach on the other, and mixed forests and boulders on the third.

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Lake Ladoga (Photo via Mo Jingna, Xinhua News Agency)

Lake Baskunchak tastes incredibly salty. Originating from a depression on the mountain top, it stores around 80% of all salt reserves in Russia.

Lake Seliger, owning clear water, winding coast and tree-covered capes and bays, is adored among fishermen.

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