Wuhan International Tourism Festival Opens and International Tourism Experts Gather in Wuhan

|ChinaNews|Published:2018-09-17 01:01:33


Caption: Chen Ruifeng, deputy secretary of Wuhan municipal committee of CPC and executive vice-mayor delivered a speech [Photo by Zhang Yongliang]

The 17th Wuhan International Tourism Festival 2018, hosted by the people's government of Wuhan and organized by Wuhan tourism development committee and other units, opened at 7:30 PM on September 15th. Leaders and guests from Wuhan and international tourism experts attended the opening ceremony.

Chen Ruifeng, deputy secretary of Wuhan municipal committee of CPC and executive vice-mayor delivered a speech. He introduced that Wuhan is a city full of ecological beauty and a model city of tourism and leisure in China. The Yangtze River, the third largest river in the world, runs through the city. With a long history and rich culture and tourism resources, the landscape is magnificent and beautiful. Wuhan is also a friendly and hospitable city, a tourist destination that tourists at home and abroad yearn for. Chen Ruifeng extended a warm welcome to the tourists that the Wuhan international tourism festival will present a tourism feast for the citizens and tourists with rich contents and new experiences, hoping that the tourists will have good memories and spread the charm of Wuhan to the world.

At the opening ceremony, relevant leaders of Wuhan and representatives of international tourism experts jointly unveiled Wuhan international tourism festival.

At 7:55 PM, the laser light show of the Yangtze River was put on. It was the world's first light show with the Yangtze River as the background. 10 minutes of changing light and shadow show the history and culture of Wuhan. Giant projection equipment in dock, 120 meters long, 19 meters high made cruise become a colorful screen, filming images like yellow crane tower, Yangtze River Bridge. Zhiyinhao, a new tourist landmark in Wuhan, to be the boat of light and shadow on the Yangtze River.

After watching the laser show, American tourism expert, senior photographer Len Kaufman said joyfully, ‘I feel very happy to see zhiyinhao Cruise, which is very beautiful, I will release its information to social media so there will be more people to feel it.’

At 8:20 PM, a night tour of the Yangtze River started. On the deck, tourism experts experienced the multi-dimensional drama in zhiyinhao Cruise. The old wharf and the old platform made everyone become a passenger as if they are back to Wuhan in the 1920s and 1930s. The whole ship is a stage for drama, with three floors of distinctive hull space, lighted main deck restaurant and nearly 100 rooms. Tourism experts watched the performance with great interest, played with all kinds of old objects or wear customs in the cabin............

Standing on the top deck of the zhiyinhao Cruise, Mykola Zavaryka, a famous Ukrainian photographer, said excitedly, ‘Wuhan is fantastic! I don't know what the story is, but the setting is very real. Everyone's acting and emotions are very good.’

It is reported that after 17 years of development, Wuhan international tourism festival has become an important domestic tourism festival brand and a city card. The theme of activities in tourism festival, 2018 is ‘Great river, great lake and great Wuhan, tourism and leisure with new experience’. Each related scenic spot in Wuhan and tourism blocks will provide wonderful activities with six major parts and over thirty activities, including the light and shadow show, international culture and local food display, urban leisure, camping, competition selection, autumn flowers display on September 15th-October 7th. In the next few days, international tourism experts will pay visits to experience the history, culture, traditional customs and modern civilization of Wuhan.


Caption: International tourism experts travel to Hankou river beach [Photo by Zhang Yongliang]


Caption: Related officials of Wuhan present souvenirs to international tourism experts [Photo by Zhang Yongliang]


Caption: In the cabin room, Aberova Dara (left), Russian tourism expert, and Saikeneva Dinara (right), Kazakhstan tourism expert, take photos with great interest [Photo by Cheng Hua]


Caption: Egyptian tourism expert Doha Samir Sobhy Aly Tolba [Photo by Cheng Hua]


Caption: Ukrainian tourism expert Mykola Zavaryka photographed night scene [Photo by Cheng Hua]

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