我眼中的遼寧 | 相遇大連,愛在遼寧
來源:北斗融媒  |  2022-10-05 14:21:06

  In my fourth year in China, as an overseas student from Bangladesh, I have enjoyed many beautiful natural scenery, experienced traditional Chinese culture, made many Chinese friends, and created my own wonderful life. During these years in Dalian, I know Dalian very well.


  The mountains become dragons, and the seas gather fog. As early as before I came to China, I heard that Dalian has the reputation of  "Romantic City". There is an old saying in China that "seeing is better than hearing". I have a deeper understanding for this sentence after I came to Dalian, a tourist city. My first trip was Xinghai Square, the largest square in Asia. The field is vast, the blue waves are magnificent, the blue sky sets off the blue sea, the dazzling sunlight refracts the golden beach, blowing the salty sea breeze and bathing the warm sunshine, my body and mind are integrated into the surrounding beautiful scenery. There are many seas that can be compared with Xinghai Square. I also enjoyed the sea areas such as Donggang, Golden Pebble Beach and Bangchui Island. These beautiful natural scenery are deeply engraved in my mind. Dalian is also a famous mountain city,  Dahei Mountain, Baiyu Mountain and so on are well-known far and wide. After traveling through the famous scenic spots in Dalian and walking through the streets and alleys, I can feel the collision between the old cultural atmosphere and the modern fresh feeling.


  To understand a city, one must understand its history and culture. Because of the opportunity to study abroad, I had the honor to study at Dalian Foreign Studies University. Lushunkou, where the school is located, has also become a channel for me to understand Dalian. Here, there are Lushun Museum recording historical stories, Lushun Military Port commemorating military history, and Taiyanggou, an old street bearing the memory of the times. The story of understanding Dalian begins from this, but it does not stop there. I crossed the streets and alleys in Dalian's numerous squares and crisscross old streets, saw the lights of the city, and experienced the hustle and bustle of the city. Dalian is a lively city. I am intoxicated with her unique temperament and fall in love with her charming charm.


  In Dalian, food and hustle and bustle of the city are also indispensable scenery. Dalian, a coastal city, is naturally famous for its seafood. In addition to all kinds of delicious seafood, Dalian also has its own special steamed dishes, Fried Pork in Scoop and so on. These catering cultures also show the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of Dalian people. On the way to travel and during my school days, I have made many friendly friends. Their love of life and pursuit of ideals have also given me great inspiration and encouragement. The teacher told us a saying that "one side of the soil and water support one side of the people". Dalian is such a typical existence. The magnificent landscape breeds the character of hospitality, and the exquisite architecture casts a friendly and gentle character.


  From 2019 to 2022, I witnessed many changes in Liaoning, China. For me, what has changed is the development and progress of Liaoning, but what remains unchanged is my interest and love for Liaoning. I wish the development of Liaoning better and better, and I hope there will be more stories about China in my future!



