Nicolas from France: A "Happiness Coach" in Chengdu to Bring Happiness to Everyone

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-08-29 15:35:32

The other day, at the temporary PCR test site outside the entrance of Tongzilin Station in the Tongzilin community of Chengdu, an exotic face attracted people's attention. Wearing a "volunteer" red armband, Nicolas from France distributed nucleic acid sampling cotton swabs to the residents in the queue, input health codes, and kept reminding the residents to keep a safe distance of one meter...

Nicolas from France: A "Happiness Coach" in Chengdu to Bring Happiness to Everyone_fororder_圖片1

Nicolas is inputting the health code for the resident. [Photo from Nicolas]

Nicolas, who has lived in Chengdu for 15 years, has long regarded Chengdu as his "second home". He said,"Whenever community needs me, I will come to work as a volunteer. Only by fighting the pandemic regardless of nationality can we make this city better."

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Nicolas is giving a thematic psychology class. [Photo from Nicolas]

By now, Nicolas, a licensed psychiatrist, has lectured for hundreds of students. Meanwhile, he regularly shares various high-quality offline activities to students to help them change their cognition and improve their habits.

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Nicolas is practicing martial arts in Wudang Mountains. [Photo from Nicolas]

"Chengdu is a park city, and I like the greenways here. Like cities in the south of France, people here enjoy their life, and the slow pace and comfort are a big reason for me to stay here. I hope that in the future, I can make progress together with my students, help more people and contribute to the world."

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