Chaoyang: Meeting the beauty of millennium in the Rhyme of the Ancient City

|ChinaNews|Published:2019-09-20 18:26:02


Wang Hongchang, Director of Chaoyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau, receives an exclusive interview with CRI Online Liaoning Channel. Photo: Cai Yong

Chaoyang, getting its name from the Book of Songs,  describes a place on the Earth that sees dawn earliest. The city’s unique geographical location gives it rich natural resources, making it "China's excellent tourist city."

On August 22, Wang Hongchang, director of Chaoyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau, took an exclusive interview with CRI Online Liaoning Channel. He said that relying on rich natural resources and profound cultural heritage, Chaoyang is building a tourism product system with culture as the soul.

Chaoyang is not only refreshing in the beauty of nature, but also in the beauty of humanities and history.

"Niuheliang Hongshan culture, also known as the explorer of the dawn of Chinese civilization, has pushed Chinese civilization forward for more than 1,000 years."

Wang Hongchang said that in the next step, Chaoyang will focus on Niuheliang Hongshan culture to create a cultural exploration tourism destination.

"Under nearly 20,000 square kilometers of land in Chaoyang, half of the land contains paleontological fossils, which can be called a world-class treasure house of paleontological fossils."

Wang Hongchang said that the layout of Chaoyang fossil culture industry is being carried out one after another.

Chaoyang is strengthening the integration of its four major cultures and folk cultures with tourism products, and actively creating "four cultural tourist areas" to "enjoy flowers and birds, "spend the summer and escape the heat," and "enjoy maple and take leisure tours. "

The four-season tourism, with the theme of "playing with ice and snow, enjoy hot springs, and New Year activities", helps construct Chaoyang’s tourism product system with culture as the soul and industry as the foundation.


Bay of the Ling River   Photo: Chaoyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau


Niuheliang Site Museum  Photo: Chaoyang Culture, Tourism, Radio, and Television Bureau


Chaoyang Phoenix Mountain Buddha Pagoda   Photo: Chaoyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau

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