Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Volunteers from Photographers Association Present "Fu" to Construction Workers and Capture It in Photos

|ChinaNews|Published:2022-01-12 09:47:59

Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Volunteers from Photographer Association Present "Fu" to Construction Workers and Capture It in Photos_fororder_圖片 1

Construction workers are holding "Fu" (Chinese character for "happiness") to welcome the Spring Festival. [Photo by Xu Junyong]

Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Volunteers from Photographer Association Present "Fu" to Construction Workers and Capture It in Photos_fororder_圖片 2

A volunteer from Tonglu County Photographers Association is taking photos for a worker. [Photo by Xu Junyong]

Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Volunteers from Photographer Association Present "Fu" to Construction Workers and Capture It in Photos_fororder_圖片 3

Construction workers embrace the Spring Festival. [Photo by Xu Junyong]

Tonglu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Volunteers from Photographer Association Present "Fu" to Construction Workers and Capture It in Photos_fororder_圖片 4

Volunteers from Tonglu County Photographers Association come to the construction site. [Photo by Xu Junyong]

Recently volunteers from Tonglu County Photographers Association came to the site of a road construction project of Wuxiang Mountain in Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province to send their new year wishes to the construction workers. In order to encourage migrant workers to stay in Tonglu to celebrate the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival in peace and at ease, Tonglu County Photographers Association led professional photographers to the construction site for shooting workers and give the photos to them as gifts, which has created a festive and auspicious atmosphere. (Text by Xu Junyong)

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