State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company: Support Winter Heating for Local Residents Through Stable Electricity Supply

|ChinaNews|Published:2024-12-16 17:32:05

  On December 10, staff from China’s State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company visited the Qiuyue Lake Heating Station of Dongying, Shandong Province, to inspect electrical equipment and learn customers’ electricity demands, thus ensuring the safe and reliable operation of heating equipment.

State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company: Support Winter Heating for Local Residents Through Stable Electricity Supply

Electricians are inspecting the electrical equipment of Qiuyue Lake Heating Station.

[Photo by State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company]

  As temperature cools down in winter, various regions in Shandong Province in East China have entered the heating season this year. State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company has made early arrangements to ensure electricity supply for people's wellbeing, safeguarding a warm winter for all the local residents in Dongying.

  In addition, the Company has also visited important electricity users such as local enterprises, schools and hospitals more frequently, providing door-to-door services and clarifying their electricity demands in a timely manner.

State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company: Support Winter Heating for Local Residents Through Stable Electricity Supply

Electricians are providing door-to-door services to electricity users.

[Photo by State Grid Dongying Power Supply Company]

  The Company has broadened the power grid layout and completed the construction of a high-quality distribution network for the “coal-to-electricity” project ahead of schedule. Totally, it has built and upgraded 1.75 kilometers of high and low-voltage distribution lines as well as 11 distribution transformers, laying a solid foundation for reliable electricity use for new electric heating customers.

  This winter, the Company will closely monitor the power grid operation. It will continue to do inspections and load projections on the 213 transmission lines and 1,568 substations related to the “coal-to-electricity” project. Additionally, it will enhance its emergency repair capabilities to guarantee a dependable supply of electricity as well as a warm winter for all customers.

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