絲路有約 一見鐘“秦” ——第五屆駐華外交官解碼陜西主題活動啟動儀式
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    2023-06-05 10:25 


    This is the end of this live broadcast. Thank you for watching. For more follow-up content, please pay attention to our official website of "CRI Online Shaanxi Channel" and subscribe our official Tiktok, "CRI Online Shaanxi Channel".

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    2023-06-05 10:24 



    Leading guests tood group photos together. 

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    2023-06-05 10:24 


    Leading guests jointly launched this event. 

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    2023-06-05 10:23 


    Shan Hong said that:"At this event we invited foreign diplomats in China to come to Shaanxi. From the perspective of "Foreign Eyes", they observe and witness Shaanxi's achievements in culture and tourism integration, scientific and technological innovation, industrial development and many other aspects, to feel and understand the Chinese modernization through cultural exchange and mutual learning. I hope diplomats could find some difference of Shaanxi and China in this event, and also hope that the upcoming cultural activities could help you love and tell stories of Shaanxi to promote the cooperation between Shaanxi and other countries and regions in various fields, and thus better spread the Chinese culture globally." 

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    2023-06-05 10:22 



    Speech by Shan Hong, Deputy Minister of the Publicity Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee. 

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    2023-06-05 10:21 


    Martin Chedondo said that: Above all I look forward to a successful visit and fruitful exchanges andthe establishment of long term relationships.

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    2023-06-05 10:20 


    Martin Chedondo said that:Whilst this is my second visit to this province my expectation is to see the continuation and consolidation of quality development for the new era. I want to learn and benchmark the strategies for resilience in adversity. I want to see how the development has withstood the challenges posed by the COVID-19. 

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    2023-06-05 10:19 


    Speech by Martin Chedondo, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe to China.

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    2023-06-05 10:18 


    "I am sure that by the trip of visiting and understanding Yan'an, Xi'an, Xianyang and Baoji, ambassadors will gain deeper understanding of Shaanxi and China, and will promote the cooperation between your countries and China especially Shaanxi on cultural tourism, economic and trade exchanges, and formation of sister cities from a more comprehensive and accurate perspective.”Li Anjun said. 

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    2023-06-05 10:17 



    Speech by Li Anjun, Second Level Inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of The People's Government of Shaanxi Province. 

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    2023-06-05 10:08 


    Fan Jianping said that:"During the six-day tour, you will learn about the legendary stories about why red star shines over China and the 'Spirit of Yan'an', an heirloom of the Communist Party of China. You will also learn about Shaanxi's action to achieve the strategic goal of 'Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality', Shaanxi's achievements in the BRI construction, Shaanxi's new business patterns for cultural tourism of the Silk Road, and Shaanxi's strength in building a 'Province with Strong Brands'. We sincerely hope that all the diplomats in the tour could deem Shaanxi, the starting point of the Silk Road Economic Belt, as a window to experience China's vitality and charm and understand the Chinese modernization. We also hope that we could enhance mutual understanding, deepen friendship and jointly develop a new chapter of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations." 

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    2023-06-05 09:56 


    Fan Jianping said that:"This year marks the 10th anniversary of the BRI. The 5th Diplomats' Tour to Shaanxi invited diplomats to visit Yan'an, Xi'an, Baoji and Xianyang to have a profound understanding of Shaanxi's present status and future prospects in the fields of cultural tourism, digital economy, urban renewal and social service in this new era, and probe into Shaanxi's unique path of high-quality development."

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    2023-06-05 09:41 


    Fan Jianping said that:"Shaanxi is an important cradle of the Chinese nation, a starting point of the ancient Silk Road and a major pivot of the 'Belt and Road'. Designed and executed by CRI Online Shaanxi Channel, four serial activities of 'Diplomats' Tour to Shaanxi' have been successfully organized since 2017, and have been attended by diplomats from more than 50 countries. By telling Shaanxi's story and conveying Shaanxi's voice, the activities presented a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China." 

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    2023-06-05 09:38 



    Fan Jianping said that:"CRI Online is not only a central major news website for 'international communication' sponsored by CMG, but also an international new media platform employing the most languages in China for it is available in 44 languages worldwide. Over the past more than 20 years since its founding, CRI Online has played a bridging role of media, and promoted exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations through diversified forms and rich contents of information services and exchange activities."

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    2023-06-05 09:31 

    范建平説:“滔滔延河水,巍巍寶塔山。在這萬物並秀的初夏時節,我們相約在中國革命聖地——延安,與來自津巴布韋、馬達加斯加、阿爾巴尼亞、摩洛哥、埃塞俄比亞、秘魯、斯裡蘭卡、伊朗、萊索托、納米比亞、孟加拉國、柬埔寨、肯尼亞、巴哈馬的駐華外交官以及各位領導、嘉賓、媒體同行們共同見證絲路有約 一見鐘‘秦’——第五屆駐華外交官解碼陜西主題活動的啟動。在此,我謹代表中央廣播電視總臺國際在線對大家的參與和支持表示感謝!”

    Fan Jianping said that: "The grand Pagoda Hill stands by the torrential Yanhe River. In the early summer when all things flourish, we met in Yan'an, the holy land of the Chinese revolution. The foreign diplomats stationed in China from Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Albania, Morocco, Ethiopia, Peru, Sri Lanka, Iran, Lesotho, Namibia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya and the Bahamas, together with the leaders, guests and media colleagues witnessing the launch of the themed activity 'In Love with Shaanxi on the Silk Road: The 5th Diplomats' Tour to Shaanxi'. On behalf of CRI Online of CMG, I would like to thank all of you for your participation and support!"

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    2023-06-05 09:26 



    Speech by Fan Jianping, President of CRI Online, China Media Group (CMG)

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    2023-06-05 09:25 


    "Through this event, we hope to demonstrate the beauty of Yan'an's history, landscapes, and culture amidst the changes of the times, China's progress, and the voice of its people. We sincerely hope ambassadors and international friends help us better promote and introduce Yan'an, and build a larger platform for exchanges in terms of culture, tourism, economy and trade. Together, we can enhance communication, foster practical cooperation, and achieve mutual benefits between Yan'an and countries around the world." said Yang Honglan 

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    2023-06-05 09:20 


    Yang Honglan said that:"Yan'an is the home to 445 revolutionary sites and is acclaimed as the "City of Chinese Revolution Museums". Yan'an boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, including Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River, the world's largest yellow waterfall, and Qiankun Bay, which forms a spectacular 320-degree bend resembling the Tai Chi diagram and is a marvel in the Qinjin Grand Canyon." 

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    2023-06-05 09:12 



    Speech by Yang Honglan, member of the Standing Committee of the Yan'an Municipal Party Committee, and Minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of Yan'an.

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    2023-06-05 09:07 


     Wang Gaofei, the host of CRI Online of China Media Group, introduces the leading guests to jointly launch this event. 

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    2023-06-05 09:01 

    陜北民歌是流傳在陜西省北部黃土高原上的傳統音樂,是國家級非物質文化遺産之一。 Northern Shaanxi folk songs are mainly traditional music spread on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province, which is one of the national intangible cultural heritages.

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    2023-06-05 09:00 


    How can you come to Shanbei and not enjoy Shanbei folk songs? Next, let's listen to a beautiful Shanbei folk song.

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    2023-06-05 08:58 


    Ansai waist drum, a traditional performance in Yanan, originated in Ansai district, Yanan City, Shaanxi province. For the audience, they can enjoy both an audio-visual feast from such kind of performance. As time goes by, although the connotation of Ansai waist drum has been renewed, the waist drum spirit of self-improvement, optimism and hard-working remains the same.

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    2023-06-05 08:53 


    The next opening act is the Ansai District waist drum.

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    2023-06-05 08:53 

    2023年6月5日,“絲路有約  一見鐘‘秦’——第五屆駐華外交官解碼陜西主題活動”啟動儀式在陜西延安舉行。《直觀中國》欄目將對此次活動進行中英雙語直播,敬請關注!

    On June 5, 2023, the opening ceremony of the themed event "In Love with Shaanxi on the Silk Road: The 5th Diplomats' Tour to Shaanxi" is held in Yan'an, Shaanxi province. The event will be broadcast live in both Chinese and English on "Direct China" by CRI Online. Please stay tuned. 

6月5日至10日,絲路有約 一見鐘“秦” ——第五屆駐華外交官解碼陜西主題活動將舉行。活動由國際在線聯合陜西省人民政府新聞辦公室、陜西省人民政府外事辦公室共同舉辦。6月5日上午活動啟動儀式將在陜西延安市聖地河谷金延安舉辦。《直觀中國》欄目將對活動啟動儀式進行直播,敬請關注。