貴州省衛生健康委: 0851 86810000
貴州省文化和旅遊廳:0851 86836309
Message from the Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to Foreign Nationals in Guizhou
In response to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Guizhou Province has activated first-level public health emergence response on January 24. The CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and Guizhou Provincial People’s Government have attached great importance to and made comprehensive deployment on prevention and control, ensuring all the measures are being carried out in an orderly manner. Hereby, we would like to send the following message to all foreign nationals living and traveling in Guizhou:
Ⅰ. Strengthen Self-Protection
Practice good personal hygiene;
Wear a proper mask when going out;
Wash hands frequently;
Maintain proper ventilation and keep rooms clean;
Avoid contact with any wild animals or birds;
When eating meat or eggs, make sure they are thoroughly cooked.
Ⅱ. Reduce or Avoid Outdoor Activities
Avoid crowded places;
Avoid group activities (including gathering and dining);
Visit a local fever clinic of a qualified hospital without delay if symptoms such as fever, cough, chest distress and general weakness are shown.
Ⅲ. Join in the Mass Prevention and Control Efforts
If you had been to the seriously infected areas and returned to Guizhou in the past 14 days, or if you contacted people who are from the epidemic areas within the past 14 days, please report to the local disease control and prevention authorities or designated departments as early as possible. Please monitor your health condition closely, support and cooperate with the government or community personnel or medical staff if they inquire about your condition.
Ⅳ. Follow the Latest Updates from the Authorities
Please follow the WeChat account of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government by searching “貴州省人民政府網”,and the WeChat account of Guizhou Provincial Health Commission by searching “健康貴州”to obtain the latest updates of the relevant information.
Ⅴ. Call the Hot Line of Foreign Service in Guizhou
If you have any questions or need any assistance or service, please call the 24-hour inquiry hotlines:
Guizhou Provincial Health Commission:0851 86810000;
Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office:Ms Lu, 15085919704; Mr Zheng, 17718003843;
Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism:0851 86836309;
Guizhou Provincial Department of Science and Technology:Ms Xiong, 13308508733.
Guizhou Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
January 30, 2020
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