“極目楚天 鍾情湖北”2023湖北文化旅遊(廣州)推介會
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    2023-03-06 17:27 


    “極目楚天 鍾情湖北”2023湖北文化旅遊(廣州)推介會到此結束,感謝觀看。This is the end of the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Guangzhou under the theme of "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei". Thank you for watching!

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    2023-03-06 17:27 


    湖北是我國中部的鑽石樞紐,廣東則是沿海魅力之地,鄂粵文旅企業強強聯手,必然迸發出強大活力。湖北、廣東兩地文旅企業代表現場簽署合作協議。Hubei is a significant hub of central China, while Guangdong is a magnificent coastal province. The cooperation of the competent cultural and tourism enterprises in Hubei and Guangdong will inevitably burst out great vitality. Representatives of the cultural and tourism enterprises in Hubei and Guangdong are signing cooperation agreements at the conference.

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    2023-03-06 17:19 


    活動現場推出了惠民旅遊聯卡、“相約春天賞櫻花”大禮包以及湖北春季旅遊消費優惠和航空優惠。The tourism gift cards jointly launched by the scenic areas in Hubei, "Encountering Cherry Blossoms in Spring" tour packages, as well as Hubei's spring tourism consumption discounts and airline discounts, are being introduced at the conference.

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    2023-03-06 17:15 


    湖北省文化和旅遊廳副廳長陳武斌介紹2023年度湖北省惠遊政策。Chen Wubin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, is introducing the preferential policies relevant to Hubei's tourism sector in 2023.

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    2023-03-06 17:10 


    各地文旅推薦官的推介讓大家感受到了湖北對廣東的情深意切,大灣區民眾對湖北也同樣是鍾愛有加。接下來,通過一段街訪視頻看看“老廣們”心中的湖北印象。The promotional presentations made by the recommenders of the culture and tourism bureaus in Hubei made everyone feel Hubei's deep affection for Guangdong. The people in the Greater Bay Area also love Hubei very much. Next, let's learn about the views of the locals in Guangdong on Hubei through a video of street interviews.

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    2023-03-06 17:03 



    十堰有世界文化遺産武當山、亞洲第一大人工淡水湖丹江口水庫、“中國第一、世界前三”的東風商用車生産基地,山、水、車已成為十堰三張響亮的名片。請欣賞十堰市文遊局和武當山文旅局聯合帶來的情景劇推介——張三丰及其弟子在武當偶遇遊客的一段故事。Wudang Mountains, which have an ancient building complex listed as a World Cultural Heritage site, Danjiangkou Reservoir, the largest artificial freshwater lake in Asia, and Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Production Base, which is "the best of its kind in China and one of the top three vehicle commercial production bases in the world", are all located in Shiyan. Mountains, waters, and vehicles have become the three famous icons of Shiyan. Please enjoy the sitcom jointly presented by performers on behalf of Shiyan Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and Wudang Mountains Culture and Tourism Bureau, which tells a story about Zhang Sanfeng, a Tai Chi master, and his disciples encountering tourists in Wudang.

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    2023-03-06 17:01 



    荊州,是首批歷史文化名城、楚文化的發祥地、三國文化的匯集地、長江文化的富集地,是“楚國故都,三國名城”。荊州市文化和旅遊局推薦官張麗萍作推介。Jingzhou is among the first batch of the National Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China. It is also one of the birthplaces of Chu culture, the cultural tripoint of the ancient Three Kingdoms, and a place with a plethora of the Yangtze River cultural heritage resources. Zhang Liping, the recommender of Jingzhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:58 



    黃石,是一座有山有水,“家裏有礦”的城市。接下來,黃石市文化和旅遊局推薦官陳淑賢作推介。Huangshi is a city with mountains, waters and mines. Chen Shuxian, the recommender of Huangshi Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:53 



    孝感是楚文化發祥地之一、中國孝文化之鄉。孝感市文化和旅遊局推薦官吳剛作文旅推介。Xiaogan is one of the birthplaces of Chu culture and the hometown of China's culture of filial piety. Wu Gang, the recommender of Xiaogan Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:51 



    恩施擁有騰龍洞、神農溪、恩施大峽谷等眾多著名旅遊景點,美麗的自然生態、濃郁的民族風情、多彩的文化景觀,吸引越來越多海內外遊客前來觀光旅遊。接下來,恩施州文化和旅遊局推薦官李順洪進行推介。Enshi has many famous tourist attractions such as Tenglong Cave, Shennong Creek, and Enshi Grand Canyon. Its beautiful natural environment, strong ethnic ambiance, and colorful cultural landscapes attract more and more tourists from around China and the world to come for sightseeing. Li Shunhong, the recommender of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the prefecture's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:46 


    恩施州文旅局帶來民歌演唱《門前一口堰》。Singers on behalf of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture are singing the folk song "A Weir in Front of the Door".

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    2023-03-06 16:41 



    神農架,森林覆蓋面積達91%,是名副其實的天然氧吧,珙桐、紅豆杉等珍稀植物肆意生長,國寶金絲猴、金雕、梅花鹿在此繁衍棲息。神農架林區文化和旅遊局推薦官孫鐘武利進行文旅推介。Shennongjia, with a forest coverage rate of 91 percent, is a veritable natural oxygen bar. Rare plant species such as dove trees and Chinese yew grow freely, while the golden monkeys, which are considered the "National Treasures", golden eagle, and sika deer populate there. Sunzhong Wuli, the recommender of Shennongjia Forestry District Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the local culture and tourism. 

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    2023-03-06 16:35 



    荊門是歷史文化旅遊名城,孕育了長江中游最古老的文明——屈家嶺文化,留下了世界文化遺産明顯陵。荊門市文化和旅遊局推薦官譚雅嫻進行文旅推介。Jingmen is a famous historical and cultural tourist city home to the Xianling Tombs of the Ming Dynasty, part of a World Cultural Heritage site. It is also the birthplace of Qujialiang Culture, the oldest civilization in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Tan Yaxian, the recommender of Jingmen Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:33 



    下面進行推介的是潛江市,它是中國現代話劇劇作家曹禺故里,中國小龍蝦之鄉。潛江文化和旅遊局推薦官江悅進行文旅推介。The next city is Qianjiang, which is the hometown of Cao Yu, a modern Chinese playwright, and the hometown of Chinese crayfish. Jiang Yue, the recommender of Qianjiang Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:28 




    一提起襄陽,大家都會情不自禁想起金庸先生的武俠小説。襄陽至今已有2800多年建城史,素有“兵家必爭之地”和“華夏第一城池”之稱。接下來,襄陽市文化和旅遊局推薦官王成瑜作文旅推介。The name "Xiangyang" always reminds people of Jin Yong's novels featuring martial arts. Established 2,800 years ago, Xiangyang is known as a "battleground for military strategists" and the "most prominent fortified city in Ancient China". Wang Chengyu, the recommender of Xiangyang Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism. 

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    2023-03-06 16:28 



    湖北各地文化旅遊資源豐富且獨具特色,接下來是各地推介環節,首先推介的是武漢東湖生態風景區。推介人武漢東湖生態景區推薦官童瑤。Various parts of Hubei are rich in cultural and tourism resources renowned for their features. Now comes the promotion section of various areas in Hubei. The first area on the list is Wuhan East Lake Ecological Scenic Area. Tong Yao, the recommender of Wuhan East Lake Ecological Scenic Area, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the area's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-06 16:20 


    活動現場,神農架林區帶來舞蹈表演《叭一口》。​At the conference, performers on behalf of Shennongjia Forestry District Culture and Tourism Bureau are presenting the dance performance "Ba Yi Kou" (which literally means "take a sip"). 

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    2023-03-06 16:10 


    湖北作為全國熱門的旅遊目的地,山水遊、歷史遊、美食遊、非遺遊等各種主題遊玩線路應有盡有,那麼在這個春天,到湖北要怎麼玩呢?湖北康輝國際旅行社首席推薦官王玉喬推介“湖北春季遊9條主題線路”。As a popular tourist destination in China, Hubei has a variety of themed tours featuring landscape, history, gourmet, intangible cultural heritage, and more. So, what can we do in Hubei this spring? Wang Yuqiao, the chief recommender of Hubei Kanghui International Travel Service Co, Ltd. is releasing 9 themed routes for spring tourism in Hubei.

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    2023-03-06 16:03 



    這次活動前期通過媒體啟動了話題行銷,向大眾徵集“我要去湖北”的多種理由,民眾參與度高,社會反響強烈。結合網友評選,現場通過視頻發佈了“我要去湖北”十大理由。​During the preparatory stage of the conference, a topic-based marketing campaign was launched through the media, collecting various reasons from the public for "Why I want to go to Hubei", receiving a high degree of public participation and strong social responses. Based on the assessment made by netizens, ten reasons for "Why I want to go to Hubei" are being released on the spot through video.

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    2023-03-06 15:58 


    湖北的魅力在鏡頭下讓人怦然心動、一見鍾情。接下來,荊州市文化和旅遊局帶來舞蹈表演《在水一方》。The charm of Hubei makes people fall in love with this province at first sight. Next, performers on behalf of Jingzhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau will present the dance show "By the Waterside".

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    2023-03-06 15:56 


    現在正是賞花踏青的好時節,湖北的櫻花開得漫山遍野,靈秀湖北的春天有多美,讓我們通過“相約春天賞櫻花”主題宣傳片來一睹風采。​The cherry blossoms are blooming all over Hubei. Now is a good time to enjoy viewing the flowers and have outings. Let's take a look at how beautiful spring is in Hubei through a promotional video titled "Encountering Cherry Blossoms in Spring".

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    2023-03-06 15:51 


    廣東省文化和旅遊廳黨組成員、副廳長張奕民致辭。​Zhang Yimin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, is delivering a speech.

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    2023-03-06 15:49 


    一直以來,湖北和廣東兩地緊密相連,友誼深厚,有大量遊客頻繁往來,是彼此心目中的最美“目的地”。接下來,湖北省文化和旅遊廳黨組書記、廳長李述永為本次活動致辭。​For a long time, Hubei and Guangdong have been closely connected, share a profound friendship, with frequent flows of a large number of tourists between the two provinces. They are the most beautiful "destinations" for each other. Next, Li Shuyong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will deliver a speech for the conference.

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    2023-03-06 15:47 

    出席今天活動的領導和嘉賓有:湖北省文化和旅遊廳黨組書記、廳長李述永,廣東省文化和旅遊廳黨組成員、副廳長張奕民,湖北省文化和旅遊廳黨組成員、副廳長陳武斌,廣州廣之旅國際旅行社總裁趙志文,廣州市文化廣電旅遊局 一級調研員陳澤華,廣州市文化廣電旅遊局市場推廣處處長張揚。​Leaders and guests attending this conference include Li Shuyong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, Zhang Yimin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, Chen Wubin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, Zhao Zhiwen, President of Guangzhou GZL International Travel Service Ltd., Chen Zehua, a Level I Division Rank Official of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, and Zhang Yang, Division Director of the Marketing Division of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism.

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    2023-03-06 15:45 



    湖北和廣東的交往源遠流長,兩省文化旅遊交流一直十分緊密,已互為重要的旅遊客源地和目的地。由湖北省文化和旅遊廳主辦的2023湖北文化旅遊推介會在廣州舉行,向粵港澳大灣區的朋友們發出誠摯邀請。The exchanges between Hubei and Guangdong date back a long ago, and exchanges concerning cultural and tourism sectors between the two provinces have always been very close. As a result, they have long been important tourist sources and destinations for each other. This year's Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province is held in Guangzhou. Hubei hereby sends a sincere invitation to friends from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

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    2023-03-05 11:14 

    3月6日下午,由湖北省文化和旅遊廳主辦的“極目楚天 鍾情湖北”2023湖北文化旅遊(廣州)推介會將在廣州舉行。國際在線《直觀中國》欄目將對活動進行直播,敬請關注。On the afternoon of March 6, the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Guangzhou, themed "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei" and hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will be held in Guangzhou and live-streamed via "Direct China" of CRI Online. Please stay tuned.

為加強湖北和廣東兩地文化和旅遊交流合作,加速推動文化和旅遊市場振興,更好地激發和引導旅遊消費,促進建設強大國內旅遊市場,3月6日,“極目楚天 鍾情湖北”2023湖北文化旅遊(廣州)推介會舉辦。To strengthen exchanges and cooperation in terms of culture and tourism between Hubei and Guangdong provinces, accelerate the revitalization of the cultural and tourism market, further stimulate and guide tourism consumption, and facilitate the construction of a strong domestic tourism market, the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Guangzhou, themed "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei", will be held on March 6.