國際在線2023-10-22 11:05
2023襄陽馬拉松圓滿結束。感謝觀看!The 2023 Xiangyang Marathon has successfully concluded. Thank you for watching!
國際在線2023-10-22 10:42
現在進行的是頒獎儀式,線上網友和現場觀眾見證著一個個優異成績的誕生。The award ceremony is currently underway, with online viewers and on-site audience witnessing those outstanding results together.
國際在線2023-10-22 09:48
全程馬拉松選手經過折返,向諸葛亮廣場開始最後的衝刺,廣場正中的“諸葛亮”輕撫著羽扇,仿佛在迎接英雄們凱旋。The full marathon runners pass through the turning point and start the final sprint towards Zhuge Liang Square. Zhuge Liang in the center of the square gently strokes his feather fan, as if welcoming the heroes' triumph.
國際在線2023-10-22 09:19
此刻選手們正在通過襄陽人民廣場。它是襄陽市第一座廣場,也是襄陽重要地標之一。At this moment, the runners are passing through Xiangyang People's Square. It is the first square in Xiangyang City and also an important landmark of Xiangyang.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:59
選手們現在跨過了一座過江通道——鳳雛大橋。Participants have now crossed Fengchu Bridge.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:48
全程馬拉松選手現在進入龐公片區。這裡有長達10公里的濱江景觀長廊,將景觀功能、休閒功能、城市服務功能完美結合,讓運動也變得詩情畫意。The full marathon runners are now entering the Pangong area. Here is a 10-kilometer riverside scenic corridor, seamlessly combining landscape, leisure, and urban service functions, making this sports event poetic and picturesque.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:42
此時此刻,半程馬拉松選手已經到達終點——襄陽唐城。唐城分佈著大規模以唐朝時期文化為背景的倣古建築群。運營8年來,接待遊客人數超千萬人次,在此取景拍攝的影視作品多達80余部。At this moment, the half marathon runners have reached the finish line - Xiangyang Tang City. Tang City is home to a large-scale complex of ancient-style buildings with the cultural background of the Tang Dynasty. In the past eight years of operation, it has received tens of millions of visitors, and more than 80 film and television productions have been filmed here.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:33
選手們現在正跨越襄陽護城河,奔跑途中,看河岸楊柳濃綠古樸,看遠處襄陽古城墻恢宏莊嚴,感受襄陽的歷史厚重之美。The contestants are now crossing the Xiangyang moat. Along the way, they can admire the lush willows along the riverbanks, and the magnificent and solemn ancient city walls of Xiangyang in the distance, experiencing the historical and profound beauty of Xiangyang.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:20
選手們前行方向的左側,就是長江最大的支流——漢江。漢江重要的地理位置,成就了襄陽重要的戰略地位。On the left side of the direction the participants are heading, is the largest tributary of the Yangtze River - the Han River. The important geographical location of the Han River has contributed to the strategic position of Xiangyang.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:12
選手們此刻來到了檀溪路,這也是襄城區的主幹道。道路兩側遍植桂花、紫薇等花木,讓人賞心悅目。The participants have now arrived at Tanxi Road, which is also a main road in Xiangcheng District. On both sides of the road, there are planted flowers such as osmanthus and crepe myrtle, which are pleasing to the eye.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:10
賽道沿線,襄陽市民為選手加油助威。Along the race route, the citizens of Xiangyang are cheering for the participants.
國際在線2023-10-22 08:02
選手們此刻來到了襄陽長虹大橋,因為跑友們還沒有拉開距離,大橋上現在非常熱鬧。At this moment, the participants have arrived at Xiangyang Changhong Bridge, and because the runners are still following each other closely, the bridge is now very lively.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:57
為保障選手生命安全,本次賽事首次在健康跑項目中安排急救跑者。To ensure the safety of participants, this year's event has arranged emergency runners for the health run project for the first time.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:53
選手們現在正奔跑在襄陽長虹路上。長虹路是襄陽市一條南北縱向的主幹道,是重要的交通動脈、城市景觀軸和發展軸。 The runners are now running on Changhong Road in Xiangyang. Changhong Road is a north-south main road in Xiangyang City, serving as an important transportation artery, cityscape axis, and development axis.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:48
今年襄陽馬拉松設置了24個文體活動展演點,分佈拉拉隊員2000人,為跑友加油助威,展示文化襄陽魅力。This year's Xiangyang Marathon has set up 24 cultural and sports activity exhibition points, with 2,000 cheerleaders spread out to cheer for the runners and showcase the cultural charm of Xiangyang.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:45
本屆賽事,特邀中國馬拉松紀錄保持者、杭州第19屆亞運會男子馬拉松冠軍何傑前來領跑,此外還有眾多國內外優秀選手參加。The event featured special guest runner He Jie, the Chinese marathon record holder and champion of the men's marathon at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. Many outstanding domestic and international athletes also participated the race.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:42
賽事起點諸葛亮廣場佔地106公頃,正中屹立著諸葛亮的銅像。諸葛亮早年隱居襄陽,劉備三顧茅廬的故事就發生在襄陽古隆中。The starting point of the event, Zhuge Liang Square, covers an area of 106 hectares, with Zhuge Liang's bronze statue standing in the center. In his early years, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Xiangyang. The story of Liu Bei's three visits to the thatched cottage happened in the ancient Longzhong of Xiangyang.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:38
本屆襄陽馬拉松共設有全程馬拉松(42.195km)、半程馬拉松(21.0975km)和健康跑(7km)三個項目。 This year's Xiangyang Marathon includes three categories: full marathon (42.195km), half marathon (21.0975km), and health run (7km).
國際在線2023-10-22 07:37
來自12個國家的2萬名選手參加本屆“襄馬”。 20,000 participants from 12 countries participated in this year's "Xiangma" (Xiangyang Marathon).
國際在線2023-10-22 07:34
參賽選手衝出起跑線。 The participants dashed across the starting line.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:31
7時30分,領導和嘉賓共同鳴槍發令。At 7:30, the leaders and guests fired the starting gun together.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:31
全體起立,奏唱中華人民共和國國歌。Participants and the audience on site stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:29
出席起跑儀式的領導和嘉賓有:湖北省委常委、襄陽市委書記王祺揚,襄陽市委副書記、市長王太暉,中國田徑協會副主席楊培剛,湖北省體育局副局長駱啟義,襄陽市人大常委會主任呂義斌,襄陽市政協主席李詩,襄陽市委副書記、政法委書記胡勇,襄陽市委常委、市委宣傳部部長陳劍,襄陽市委常委、常務副市長吳燁,襄陽市委常委、市委秘書長黃進,襄陽市人民政府副市長王芳,襄陽市人民政府副市長、公安局局長李新橋。 The leaders and guests attending the starting ceremony include: Wang Qiyang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee; Wang Taihui, Deputy Secretary of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Xiangyang; Yang Peigang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Athletics Association; Luo Qiyi, Deputy Director of the Hubei Administration of Sport; Lyu Yibin, Director of the Standing Committee of the Xiangyang Municipal People's Congress; Li Shi, Chairman of the CPPCC Xiangyang Municipal Committee; Hu Yong, Deputy Secretary of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Xiangyang Municipal Committee; Chen Jian, Member of the Standing Committee and Director-General of the Publicity Department of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee; Wu Ye, Member of the Standing Committee of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Xiangyang; Huang Jin, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary-General of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee; Wang Fang, Deputy Mayor of the Xiangyang Municipal People's Government; Li Xinqiao, Deputy Mayor and Director of the Public Security Bureau of the Xiangyang Municipal People's Government.
國際在線2023-10-22 07:25
選手們在襄陽諸葛亮廣場集結。現場組織了暖場表演,選手們進行熱身運動。Participants gathered at Zhuge Liang Square in Xiangyang. There was a warm-up performance on site, and the participants did warm-up exercises.
國際在線2023-10-20 17:19
10月22日上午,由中國田徑協會技術認證,湖北省體育局、襄陽市人民政府共同主辦的2023襄陽馬拉松將在湖北襄陽舉行。國際在線《直觀中國》欄目將對賽事進行直播,敬請關注。On the morning of October 22, with technical certification by the Chinese Athletics Association, the 2023 Xiangyang Marathon, co-hosted by Hubei Administration of Sport and Xiangyang Municipal People's Government, will be held in Xiangyang, Hubei. CRI Online's "China Insight" program will be live-streaming the event, please stay tuned.