  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:08 

    That's all for the Press Conference of 2022 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. Thanks for staying tuned. Goodbye!

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:07 

    Deng Zhe notes that Shenyang will give CNY 5 million (about USD 749,500) to the newly approved state-level key laboratories and technological innovation centers. Landed projects which introduce major innovation resources will receive CNY 10 million (about USD 1.4 million) to 30 million (about USD 4.4 million) according to market evaluation and investment scale, and major projects will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. For influential innovation-driven demonstration parks (areas) that offer joining enterprises public services like entrepreneurship mentoring, industrial and commercial tax services, and policy consultation in the form of purchasing services, the reward will reach a maximum of CNY one million yuan (about USD 149,900) according to 30% of the annual contribution of enterprises in the carriers, in order to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship carriers to improve service capacity and incubation performance.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:07 


    Deng Zhe, Deputy Director of Talent Work Division 3 of Organization Department of CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee, answers questions from journalists.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:06 


    Question from journalists: The "Talent Project of Revitalizing Shenyang" has just been released. What measures has Shenyang taken to support innovation and entrepreneurship?

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:04 

    Lu Chun notes that since the launch of the Overseas Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Shenyang High-Tech Zone has collected more than 1,600 outstanding sci-tech projects at home and abroad, attracting more than 30 universities and research institutes to participate. More than 20 projects have received nearly CNY 100 million (about USD 15 million) in investment, and the project valuation exceeds CNY two billion (about USD 299 million).

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:03 

    Lu Chun, Director of Science and Technology Development (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service) Office, Management Committee of Shenyang High-Tech Zone, answers questions from journalists.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 11:00 


    Question from journalists: Hunnan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base of Shenyang High-Tech Zone has finished 5th in the comprehensive rankings of the national assessment and evaluation. Could you tell us what are the plans for Shenyang High-Tech Zone this year in the building of innovation and entrepreneurship environment and enabling competition projects?

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:59 

    During the competition, a series of events, such as the matchmaking meeting of landing and incubation, entrepreneurship training and Overseas Elite Forum, will provide professional sci-tech services covering R&D, finance and IPR for project landing in various industrial parks, support start-ups, and accelerate the growth of enterprises.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:58 

    The competition will focus on developing a system of 20 key industrial chains in Shenyang, targeted project recruitment, strengthening, complementing, extending and building industrial chains. 

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:58 

    The competition features multi-factor combination, multi-organizational links, multi-subject interaction and multi-service integration, and fully mobilizes overseas innovation forces. It will bring together overseas sci-tech groups, incubators and sci-tech service institutions, such as Association of Chinese Doctors in Japan, CENTI Group, H&D Partners SRL, Tecnopolis Technology and Science Park, and Nordic Times Innovation, as well as cooperate with nearly 40 well-known domestic venture capital and financial institutions, including Zheshang Venture Capital, CASIC, China Venture Capital Inc. and China ZHONGJI Investment.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:56 

    This competition will give a start-up landing and incubation subsidy of up to CNY 300,000 (about USD 45,030) to the winning projects which are transformed into registered enterprises in Shenyang. Start-up enterprises of high-level talents in early stage can, after assessment and review, obtain angel investment support of no more than CNY 5 million  (about USD 750,500), and especially excellent companies can acquire angel investment of up to CNY 10 million (about USD 1.5 million).

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:55 

    With the theme of "Innovative Minds Gather and Dreams Start in Shenyang", the competition strives to achieve breakthroughs in three aspects, namely serving innovative talents, serving innovative ecosystems and serving economic development.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:54 

    Domestic special events will be held in Shenyang, Beijing, and Shenzhen, Asian events in Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand, and European events in Germany, Britain, Belgium, Italy, and Sweden. 

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:53 

    The competition will kick off with the start of the press conference, and end on September 30. The projects will be followed up dynamically throughout the year. The competition is divided into domestic, Asian and European special events. And competitors can be divided into Team Group and Enterprise Group.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:51 


    China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition has been held for seven consecutive years since 2015. In the past seven years, Shenyang has centered on innovation and entrepreneurship of domestic and international sci-tech talents, continuously diversified the forms of competition organization, optimizing event platforms, expanding overseas cooperation channels, deepening cooperation for opening-up, injecting vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship, driving the development of regional industries and promoting the integrated development of science, technology and economy. Thus, it has created a favorable atmosphere, attracted a number of high-level sci-tech teams to Shenyang for innovation and entrepreneurship, and facilitated the settlement and commercialization of a variety of high-quality sci-tech projects.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:49 


    Let's witness the start of the Press Conference of 2022 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. 

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:27 


    At today's press conference, Cai Li, Vice Chairman of Shenyang Association for Science and Technology and Member of its leading Party members group, will make a press release. Deng Zhe, Deputy Director of Talent Work Division 3 of the Organization Department of CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee, and Lu Chun, Director of Science and Technology Development (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service) Office, Management Committee of Shenyang High-Tech Zone, will answer questions from journalists.

  • 直播列表_fororder_主持人頭像

    2022-05-25 10:21 

    Welcome to the Press Conference of 2022 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. The event is about to kick off.

5月25日,2022中國瀋陽海智創新創業大賽新聞發佈會將在瀋陽舉行。大賽由遼寧省科學技術協會、瀋陽市人民政府主辦,主題為“智匯瀋陽·築夢海創”。On May 25, Shenyang witnesses the Press Conference of 2022 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. The competition is hosted by Liaoning Association for Science and Technology and Shenyang Municipal People's Government with the theme of "Innovative Minds Gather and Dreams Start in Shenyang".