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【Editorial Cartoon】Dangerous doorbell
10:07:16 21-04-2023From:CRI Online of China Media GroupEditor:Liang Ning

【Editorial Cartoon】Dangerous doorbell_fororder_s【國際漫評】危險的門鈴

  Recently, a white man homeowner who allegedly shot and wounded a Black teenager who simply rang the wrong doorbell in Kansas City, U.S. Midwest state of Missouri. However, the homeowner was released on bail from the custody within 24 hours, sparking protests in Kansas City.

  Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas called the shooting an apparent act of racial discrimination.

  Executive Producer|Duan Shuang

  Producer|Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liang Shengwen

  Program Planner|Liang Ning

  Presented by CRI Online & China Internet Development Foundation