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【Editorial Cartoon】The download speed cannot become fast!
08:32:06 08-01-2024From:CRI Online of China Media GroupEditor:Liang Ning

【Editorial Cartoon】The download speed cannot become fast!_fororder_s【國際漫評】強不起來

  Recently, according to the Financial Times (FT) newspaper, for UK’s 5G mobile communication service quality and network speed, the country has dropped to last place in the G7, while in 2022, the UK ranked third. Its network speed was " slowed down instead of being accelerated ". According to the British media, the regional economic downturn and the previous abrupt removal of Huawei devices are the main factors, resulting in restricting UK’s development in this regard.

  Presented by CRI Online

  Executive Producer | Duan Shuang

  Chief Planner | Zhong Renzong

  Producer|Jiang Lili

  Editor-in-Chief |Liang Shengwen

  Program Planner|Liang Ning