10月12日,由文化和旅遊部、四川省政府主辦的第八屆中國成都國際非物質文化遺産節將在成都舉行,活動期間將開展天府大巡遊、非遺融入現代生活體驗展等活動。屆時,天府旅遊名導Steven將帶領大家參觀各項非遺展覽,開啟一場與非遺的約會!國際在線《直觀中國》欄目將同步直播。On October 12, the 8th International Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Chengdu, China, hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the People's Government of Sichuan Province, is held in Chengdu. The exhibition will have activities such as the Tianfu Grand Parade and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Integrated with Modern Life Experience Exhibition. Steven, a famous tourist guide of Tianfu Travel, will take everyone to visit various intangible cultural heritage exhibitions! The Column "Visual China" of CRI Online will be streaming.