"May Day" Tour in Cuiping District, Yibin City
CRI Online2024-05-07 15:42:51

This year's May Day, Guanying Street, Lizhuang Ancient Town, Anshi Village, Gaoqiao Village, and various scenic spots in Cuiping District, Yibin City, carried out a series of rich and colorful cultural, tourism, and business activities to enhance the attractiveness and experience of tourism.

(發英文)“五一”遊宜賓市翠屏區 花樣玩不停_fororder_宜賓三江口-供圖-翠屏區委宣傳部

Sanjiangkou Scenic Area  [Photo via the Publicity Department of CPC Cuiping District, Yibin City Committee]

The "May Day" cultural, business and tourism series activities carried out in Guanying District, consist of live performances, parades at Hejiang Market, atmosphere performances, and special store opening activities. It is worth mentioning that the live performance of "The great river flows eastward " takes Baita Mountain as the curtain and Jiajing Tower as the stage. Through professional art troupes such as singing and dancing, opera, acrobatics, poetry and painting, it fully showcases the rich historical and cultural connotations of Yibin, allowing tourists to experience Yibin culture from observation to entry.

(發英文)“五一”遊宜賓市翠屏區 花樣玩不停_fororder_李莊月亮田水上表演-攝影-高學兵

Water Performance [Photo by Gao Xuebing]

The Moon Field Scenic Area in Lizhuang Ancient Town has launched a series of activities, including interactive weddings, lantern lighting ceremonies, poetry seasons, and rural experiences. In addition, the scenic area also prepares original handicraft experiences, beer festivals, interactive flash mobs, interactive parades and so on.

In addition, Anshi Village and Gaoqiao Village in Lizhuang Town jointly launched a series of farming cultural experience activities, such as shrimp fishing, ring toss, chicken catching, egg roasting, fishing and other activities. Activities full of rural fun, allow tourists step into the fields and get close to nature.







