2023-06-05 18:02:27來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線編輯:王菲責編:高崗

  2023年6月5日,“絲路有約 一見鐘‘秦’ ——第五屆駐華外交官解碼陜西主題活動”啟動儀式在延安舉行,津巴布韋駐華大使馬丁·切東多致辭。原文如下:

15國20余位駐華外交官從陜西延安出發 開啟鐘“秦”之旅_fororder_圖片5


  Relations between China and Africa are founded on a shared similar and common history of self-determination, win-win co-operation promoted through trade.


  With a common dream of independence, freedom, happiness and prosperity, the two sides waged a liberation struggles for self-emancipation. China reached the destination first in 1949, under the stewardship of the Communist Party of China. In that struggle, Shaanxi and Yan’an played pivotal roles as the base and launch pad for the war of liberation. The spirit of Yan’an lives today on an enduring demonstration of the sacrifice, courage and will power to succeed by the Chinese people.


  The spirit served as an inspiration to many oppressed peoples of the world hence the awakening of Africa to its liberation borrowed many chapters from the Chinese experience. Today with the whole of Africa now liberated, we continue to emulate the rich experience of the upliftment of millions of people from poverty to moderate prosperity and in the same enduring spirit, Shaanxi has taken a leading role in Rural vitalization and transformation.


  In its turn, Africa has a young and vibrant population projected by the United Nations to be 2.5 billion by 2050. It is the fastest growing and the continent of the future. It is rich in natural resources and has abundant man power. It is home to all the strategic minerals in the world and has the largest uncultivated agricultural land with the potential to feed the whole world, hence the move by China to strategic relationships is visionary and will save the interest of both sides.


  Zimbabwe is open for business and we offer a conduive environment for doing business. We share the wisdom of President Xin jing Ping of a shared future of prosperity for mankind. My own president ED Munangangwa philosophy of building Zimbabwe by its own people in partnership with our own friends under scores the motivation for Chinese to come and invest in the country. We have opportunities in all sectors of the economy to include mining, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, health, tourism, trade and commerce as well as services of IT. The opportunities are limitless and for those with interest, you come and join a multitude of cross sectorial investors who have established a strong business presence in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Embassy in Beijing is at your disposal with regards to any assistance and enquiries purposes of doing business in Zimbabwe. Once again, Zimbabwe is open for business and we remain a friend to all and an enemy to non.


  Whilst this is my second visit to this province my expectation is to see the continuation and consolidation of quality development for the new era. I want to learn and benchmark the strategies for resilience in adversity. I want to see how the development has withstood the challenges posed by the COVID-19.


  Above all I look forward to a successful visit and fruitful exchanges andthe establishment of long term relationships


  THANK YOU! Xie- Xie!








