我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法
2022-10-04 14:17:25來源:北斗融媒編輯:黃非責編:馮薇薇

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  I think this is the question all Chinese people want to know:


  "Mr Wu, how do you communicate with foreign students?"


  "Speak Chinese " teacher Wu says calmly.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Okay, let's go back to class:


  Mr Wu: Now, we are study Calligraphy.

  吳老師:Now,we are study Calligraphy。

  International students: Ok


  Mr Wu: Can you speak Chinese?

  吳老師:Can you speak  Chinese?

  International student: A little bit.


  Mr Wu: OK, let's get started then!


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  What do you think is the most difficult part of teaching calligraphy to international students?


  Mr Wu: Many things are difficult to translate, especially the very professional words and phrases.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Bosen: Teacher, who wrote this (Ni Kuan Zan)?


  Mr. Wu: The author ofcalligraphy was Chu Suiliang

  吳老師:The author ofcalligraphy  was  褚遂良

  B: What's work, Chu Suiliang?

  博森:What's  work  褚遂良?

  Mr Wu (scratching the wall) : Jianyidafu, Zhongshuling, Shangshu youfuse, Duke of Henan County, Chu Henan, God tell me how to translate ~~


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Boson asks while writing: Teacher, what is the meaning of “sanrenxing”?


  Mr Wu: Three's company, from the Analects of Confucius. Confucius said, When there are three people together, there must be a teacher for me.


  Berson: Sir, I don't understand you. What are you talking about?


  Miss Wu broke down in an instant.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  On Monday, there came a new student


  Mr Wu asked in English: Is this your first time to take a calligraphy class?


  The student blinked his eyes, thought for a long time, and said in a fluent chaoyang accent:


  "Teacher, please speak Chinese. I have been in Chifeng for five years."


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  During a break from class, Modi from Tanzania said:


  You look very handsome today, Mr Wu!


  Mr Wu said: Thank you.


  "Teacher, you should say 'where,where'," Modi said.


  Mr Wu said: My clothes are really handsome.


  'You don't play by the rules, teacher,' Modi said.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  When writing the character "yuan",


  Frank from Nigeria asked me, “Sir, what do you mean?


  My instant reaction is how to translate Yuan Dynasty? What's the surname Yuan in English?


  The Algerian guy said, "Dollar, money."


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  On the first day of last semester, the outdoor temperature was 36 degrees Celsius. It was very hot in Shenyang.


  Mr Wu asks: Africa Nigeria is hotter than Shenyang, right?


  Bossen says it's 32 degrees in Nigeria today.


  Mr Wu said: Let’s drink tea to relieve the heat, I'm no happy.

  吳老師説:喝茶解暑吧,I no happy。

  "Teacher, I am very happy, because I came to Shenyang to see snow on the first day!


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  During the break, the student asked: “Can I listen to music in class?”

  課間學生問:Can I listen to music in class?

  Mr Wu: Yes. I played a kite song on my phone,


  Student: What is music?

  學生問:what is music?

  Mr Wu: High mougtain move water.

  吳老師:high mougtain move water。

  (God, please send an interpreter to save Mr Wu)


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Using the seal for the first time, Dazhi from West Asia was full of curiosity and excitement.


  So Mr Wu also told him in English full of Chinese expressions: Later,after Chop, it's a complete artwork. (After writing, it needs to be stamped to make it a complete work.)

  於是吳老師也用充滿了中國式表達的英文告訴他:Later,after  Chop , it's  a complete  artwork。(寫完字之後,需要蓋上印章,才是一件完整的作品。)

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  That's the question that most people want to ask:


  "How do you teach them? Is it the same as teaching our Chinese children?"


  Mr Wu: There is a difference. The understanding of calligraphy is built on the basis of Chinese characters, so we can only start from zero slowly. Basically, after three months, students who write well can get access to our traditional calligraphy posters. I now teach the regular script is "Ni Kuan Zan" of zhu Suiliang, official script "Cao Quan monument".

  吳老師:還是有區別的。對於書法的理解是建立在漢字的基礎之上,所以只能從零慢慢開始,基本上三個月後,寫的好的留學生可以接觸我們傳統書法字帖。我現在教的楷書是楮遂良的《倪寬讚》,LiSu 《曹全碑》。

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  This is the word "and" written by Dazhi, an international student from Turkmenistan.


  Lu Lin, vice chairman of Liaoning Calligraphers Association, said: "Xiao Wu, this character “and” has better feeling than you!”


  Ask: After listening to Teacher Lu’s comment, what’s your feeling?


  Mr Wu: Yes, I'm very happy, really. In my opinion, two words can illustrate my teaching philosophy: how and what. Make sure to teach students how to write, not what to write. I was happiest when the students finished writing.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  "These kids come all the way to Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, to learn Chinese culture, Chinese characters and Chinese calligraphy, which is actually a very difficult thing. From the piles of practice paper, you can know they are really serious. They worship Chinese culture, writing and are devout in calligraphy, so they can write seriously. 2018 Shenyang Hundred Good calligraphy exhibition, 2017 foreigners seeing the Shenyang party calligraphy show and Shenyang college students talent show are the activities  they are participating in. Through subtle influence, they can know the charm and status of calligraphy."


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Every year, international students' Christmaspresents


  Mr Wu said: The best Christmas gift is to give "Fu".


  Wenshan from Uzbekistan says "one hundred years old" when he sneezes!


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  Opening the 2018 Shenyang Baishan Calligraphy Collection, you can see the last four pages are actually calligraphy written by four foreigners. This is the first time that Chinese calligraphers have Chinese calligraphy works written by foreigners in the collection. The four foreigners are students at Shenyang Institute of Engineering -- Anne, Anna, Matt and Berson.


  The calligraphy teacher of these students is Wu Jingfeng.


  Mr. Wu Jingfeng

  Calligraphy teacher of International Education Center of Shenyang Institute of Engineering

  Shenyang Huanggu District CPPCC member

  Deputy Secretary General of Huanggu Calligrapher's Association

  Dean of Ruixia Academy






我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  "In 2016, Shenyang Institute of Engineering began to set up a college for international students to recruit foreign students. In setting courses, the college attaches great importance to traditional Chinese culture, calligraphy being the first. As a calligraphy teacher with a background in Chinese, Shenyang Institute of Engineering hired me to teach them. When you see these foreign students studying Chinese calligraphy carefully, you will feel very proud. The inheritance and promotion of culture is the embodiment of a country's soft power. From the initial 16 international students in October 2016 to 160 ones today, Chinese calligraphy is a mandatory elective course for every international student when they come to China."


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  We will continue to create new glories for Chinese culture, and let Chinese culture display its permanent charm and the grace of the times. The Belt and Road is a road of civilizations, and Chinese calligraphy is a shining pearl on this road.


我眼中的遼寧 | “老外”和我學書法

  The new semester begins and I wish Mr Wu a happy Teacher's day. Hope he will have the students all over the world.


  A pen a world, a word a universe. The whole world, please remember Chinese Calligraphy!

  一筆一世界,一字一乾坤。請全世界記住中國書法 Chinese Calligraphy。







