銀獎 《荒野氣候》Wild Climate 《荒野氣候》
簡介:《野生氣候》是一部關注氣候變化對美國西部農村生計造成影響的影片。 它從加劇的乾旱到西部森林的野火季節延長,以及導致牲畜和作物損失的高溫事件來證明這一影響的存在。影片希望通過傳播那些在面對這種生存威脅時為保持生計而奮鬥的故事,並迫使人們採取行動。
Runtime: 00:26:39
Country: The United States
Director: Meredith Meeks
Overview: Wild Climate is a film which focuses on the impacts of climate change on livelihoods in the rural west. It highlights the staggering evidence, from the intensification drought to longer wildfire seasons through western forests and high temperature events resulting in livestock and crop losses. Wild Climate hopes to strengthen the narrative around climate change by spreading the stories of those fighting to keep their livelihoods intact in the face of this existential threat and compel people to action.